Wednesday, January 7, 2009


Sean and Gus, the private eyes of the 'Psych' detective agency, will be featured in a new commercial which will run during the show from January 9 to February 20. It's for the Kia Optima and will be an actual "mini-sode" for 'Psych'.

Here's how AdWeek described the 30 second plot:

"Characters Shawn and Gus (played by James Roday and Dule Hill) are being chased by a gunman, as they become mesmerized by Optima's beauty and accidentally give up their location to him. The gunman, in turn, sets off an alarm when he tries to steal the car, allowing the good guys to make a run for it. The spot ends with Shawn fantasizing about driving off in the car, Gus shaking him back to reality and a tune-in message for the TV series."

Add in their blipvert adventures in the Tooniverse, and it ooks like the Psych boys are on the fast track to membership in the TV Crossover Hall of Fame.

Toby O'B


It's a good thing I didn't condone using pictures from other TV shows to illustrate fanfic crossovers when I was running the "Fanficcer's Friend" last year. Otherwise those who write 'Doctor Who' fanfic would be having a field day with images like this from 'Secret Diary Of A Call Girl'.
It features Billie Piper as Hannah the morning after she picked up a young shop salesman played by Matt Smith.

Matt Smith will be the Eleventh incarnation of the Doctor. Billie Piper was Rose Tyler, the Companion when the show returned in 2005; she traveled in the TARDIS with Doctors Nine (Christopher Eccleston) and Ten (David Tennant).

Toobworld Central frowned on using pictures of TV characters previously established on other shows as stand-ins for other characters. The actions portrayed - especially like the one posted above! - already occurred in the TV dimension. It's okay to pull in images of the actors you need from movies or theatre, but TV shots should be right out!

Ahhhhh, who am I kidding? You crazy kids! You know you're gonna use it!

Toby O'B


So. Here we are. Still MORE Toobits Awards. At this rate, we'll be finishing up just in time to announce the 2009 awards!

With the fifth segment of the 2008 Toobits Awards, (otherwise known as Babble On Five), we conclude our tribute to some of the new personnel of Toobworld. (There are still plenty more awards to be doled out, however! You don't get off that easily!)

As I mentioned yesterday, you may not think some of these were the greatest of performances, and I might even agree with you on a few. However, it's more important about what they can bring to the dynamic of Toobworld....


The Z Brothers/ZO2
'Z Rock'
That my choice would come from this show was never in doubt, as 'Z Rock' made me laugh out loud with each episode. (Try watching TV alone and see how hard that can be!) But trying to make a choice between Joey, Dave, and Paulie was impossible. And the sum is so much more than the parts anyway. (Although Kitty Braunstein might feel differently about David's parts.....)

John Amsterdam
'New Amsterdam'

I enjoyed the performance by Nikolaj Coster-Waldau, but it was more for what he brings to Toobworld that got him the nod in this category. As he's been around for 400 years, and - unlike vampires - able to sire children, John could be a link to other TV shows by the "theory of relateeveety". It's more than just that he could be the father of some established characters; he could be their grandfathers, great-grandfathers, going back who knows how many generations! Add to that all of the famous people and TV characters from the Past with whom he possibly came into contact, and you can see why he'd be an important figure in Toobworld, even if the show only lasted the one season.

Dr. Horrible
'Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog'
At this point in his career, including his supporting turns in the "Harold & Kumar" movies and on stage in various musicals (like "Assassins"), but as far as Toobworld is concerned, for his creation of Barney Stinson on 'How I Met Your Mother', Neil Patrick Harris can do no wrong.

And along comes Dr. Horrible to nail down that claim. An evil genius you could hang out with and have a beer, a criminal mastermind you could call friend. Funny and heart-breaking and usually transforming from one to the other in less than a lyric, Dr. Horrible will stand as the symbol for the potential of online TV.


Mary Shannon
'In Plain Sight'
In her very first season, Mary has qualified for induction into the TV Crossover Hall of Fame! She made a guest appearance in a glorified cameo on 'Law & Order: Criminal Intent' (I'm hoping to see her interact with Charlie Crewes of 'Life'!) and provided a copy of Playpen magazine to one of her cases which had been seen "previously... on 'Lost'".

Even without all of that, Mary McCormack's been running the spectrum with the character, capturing Mary's humor, angst, and hard-assery.

Stacey West
'Gavin & Stacey'

I gotta admit, at first I thought "Medium Rob", my blog-buddy across the water, was blinded by his own similar situation to be so infatuated with Joanna Page as the "llovely" lass from the isle of Barry. Sure, she's cute, but no Georgia Moffett, and that voice (and its accompanying inflections) takes some getting used to. But after spending some time with her as the show's storyline developed, she became quite endearing.

It's basic wish-craft that I'd love to see her pop up in other shows, not just Joanna Page, but as Stacey! In fact, why couldn't we see her and Gavin take a trip over here to America and show up in some comedy worthy of their presence? (Don't ask me which one, at present I'm drawing a blank!)


Bryn West
'Gavin & Stacey'

What clinched it for Uncle Bryn over Smithy from the same show was the fact that I really discovered Rob Brydon this year in 'Supernova', a comedy I quite enjoyed (although I freely admit it was far from great).

I say "discovered" even though I had seen him in sketches on 'Little Britain'. But let's face it - when you're sharing screen time with two other guys dressed as ginormously fat naked women, you're gonna get lost in the sauce.

There's a depth to Bryn that's almost deceptive, that could be taken only at surface value what with his dithery interests and unique phrasings. But there's an undercurrent of pain, and loneliness, that make you feel for the man.

Hell, I just love listening to his sing-songy delivery of the most mundane of lines. Once you get Brydon's voice in your head, it's tough to talk about GPS systems and rape alarms (as I'm sure we all do, um, right?) without falling into the same cadence.


Dr. Walter Bishop
Definitely a high point in the Tele-Folks Directory this year! From one minute to the next you never know what oddity might spill from his lips.

"To understand what happened at the diner we'll use Mr Papaya. This is upsetting, because he is the friendliest of fruits."

"Only thing better than a cow is a human ... unless you want milk. Then you're gonna need a cow."

When I first heard that John Noble had been hired to play Walter, I worried that I might not get the image of Denethor from "The Lord Of The Rings" out of my head, especially as it was the first thing I had ever see him do. (Unlike with Dominic Monaghan in regards to 'Lost' and "LOTR", as I had also seen him in 'The Hettie Wainthrop Mysteries'.) But now, I can't even imagine him as being the same actor in both!

Dr. Walter Bishop is my dream character for crossing over to other shows, running the gamut from 'CSI' to 'Supernatural' to 'Torchwood' to 'The Mentalist'....

Marshall Mann
'In Plain Sight'
Brian Lane
'New Tricks'
With his sardonic delivery of a line, I'd love to see Marshal Marshall Mann team up with Detective John Munch in a crossover with 'Law & Order: Special Victims Unit'. It seems like a natural.

As for Brian "Memory" Lane, Alun Armstrong easily flips the switch between the humor and the pathos in his emotionally stunted character. I saw mention of dark times ahead for Brian (America is months behind on the series.), so naturally I'm worried.....


Cameron Phillips
'Terminator: The Sarah Conner Chronicles'

'The Middleman'

We're going fembots with this category. Cameron had the cute but deadly factor on her side, and Ida was hyper-hysterical as a motorized Mimi (from 'The Drew Carey Show').


Wilf Mott
'Doctor Who'
Bernard Cribbins is now officially incorporated into the Toobworld 'Who', after appearing in the movie version with Peter Cushing. And it was a brilliant stroke to bring him back from the one-shot "Voyage Of The Damned" special and to make Wilf the grandfather to Donna. What could have been comic relief turned maudlin by the end was instead handled with the skill of an old pro by Cribbins (seen here with the Doctor). Even though I'm loathe to see Donna ever return to the series, as I think it would violate such a heart-breakingly beautiful farewell with the Doctor, surely there must be some way to bring Wilf Mott back for a visit?


Stella Zinman
'How I Met Your Mother'
A lot of fans of the show hated her character by the time her story arc finished, but I blame that on the direction taken by the writers, and that was their call. But there's no denying her introduction in "Ten Sessions" (seen here with Ted) was such a breath of fresh air to shake up the ensemble. Based on that alone, I wanted so badly for her to turn out to be the "Mother".


Daniel Faraday

There's just something in his delivery that makes me think they should hire Tom Skerritt to play his father in one of those "Daddy Issues" flashbacks that 'Lost' specializes in. And wouldn't you like to see him interact with Dr. Walter Bishop of 'Fringe'?

Scotty Wandell
'Brothers & Sisters'
Originally I had Scotty as the "most deserving to be made a regular" winner since early in the year, but then the producers went ahead and did so without my input. Scotty's such a sweet guy and helps modulate the acrimony that so often bubbles up at Walker gatherings. And as one of the top up-and-coming chefs in California, maybe he's met Jack Tripper.....?


Agent Olivia Murray
'The Shield'
I've been a fan of Laurie Holden since I first saw her as Marta Covarrubias on 'The X-Files'. And with the 'Primeval' tweak of the Toobworld timeline, and because both 'The X-Files' and 'The Shiled' are now finished, I'm going to suggest the idea that they are one and the same woman but now with different names and histories, a la Claudia Brown and Jenny Lewis.

It was so great to see that concerns she'd end up sleeping with that bullet-headed monster Vic Mackey never came to fruition. Instead, Olivia Murray became Mackey's personal tormenter, taking great delight in torturing him with a life trapped in an office cubicle filing reports. And now that the show is over, that's not going to take up all of her workday; so we can imagine that somehow she's involved in Homeland Security cases in the Los Angeles area which may come up in other TV series.....

Amanda Price
'Lost In Austen'

Okay, this is a bit of a cheat, as the cast that she joined was already existing in a book. The characters from "Pride And Prejudice" were not played by the same actors from past productions, but instead could be seen as Amanda's interpretation as to what they looked like. But the fact that she seriously altered the events of the novel should be considered as having serious repercussions for Toobworld.

Still more to come!

Toby O'B


On this date in 1873, Adolph Zukor, who became one of the most powerful men in Hollywood, was born in Hungary.

Paramount Pictures began its operations in 1912 as the Famous Players Film Company, and was founded by Adolph Zukor (1873-1976). Adolph Zukor was born in in Austria-Hungary and came to New York when he was 15 years old. He started in the fur business in Chicago where he entered the new film entertainment business by buying a nickelodeon in 1903. Two years later, Zukor had a business partner named Marcus Loew. Shortly thereafter, Zukor became the treasurer for Loew's growing chain of movie theaters.

With profits from a film distribution deal, Zukor branched out on his own to found the Famous Players studio. It was Zukor who then hired Famous Players' key to success, a young actress named Mary Pickford. She was soon known as "America's Sweetheart." In 1916 Famous Players merged with Jesse L. Lasky's Feature Play Company to form Famous Players-Lasky Corporation. (Lasky's partners were Samuel Goldfish [later Goldwyn] and Cecil B. DeMille.) After several more name changes, mergers, management shuffles, and a bankruptcy, the newly reorganized Paramount Pictures, Inc. emerged in 1935. In the 1930s and '40s, Paramount was known for its big stars: Bing Crosby, Bob Hope, Dorothy Lamour, Ray Milland, Marlene Dietrich, Maurice Chevalier, and the Marx brothers.

Zukor was portrayed by Leonardo Cimino in a TV movie about the tragic life of Frances Farmer called "Will There Really Be A Morning"? . I have no pictures from that movie to show you Cimino as Zukor, but here's a side-by-side comparison of them both:
Toby O'B

Tuesday, January 6, 2009


According to legend, today marks the birth date in 1412 of St. Joan of Arc, who became the national heroine of France.

In 1999, Leelee Sobieski portrayed the soldier of God in a TV movie.....
Toby O'B


Needed to take a day off due to personal crises as well as the launch of this year's inductees into the TV Crossover Hall of Fame.

But here we are. Another day, another batch of Toobits.

With the fourth segment of the 2008 Toobits Awards, we continue our tribute to some of the new personnel of Toobworld. As I mentioned yesterday, you may not think some of these were the greatest of performances, and I might even agree with you on a few. However, it's more important about what they can bring to the dynamic of Toobworld....

Male, Drama
Eddie the Vampire
'True Blood'

Stephen Root can do no wrong anyway, and Eddie was no exception. It was almost as if his character from "Office Space" had been embraced by the Kindred - it would have made him less pathetic, but not by much. There was just something that spoke to me in his "fanger", but not something I'd want to dwell on....

Male, Comedy
Harry Braunstein
'Z Rock'
The fact that Greg Giraldo was also a welcome presence in Lewis Black's 'The Root Of All Evil' helped seal the deal for Harry. But at the same time he was such a welcome yet verbally abusive addition to the Tele-Folks Directory.

Female, Drama
'Doctor Who'
Ah, the lovely, aforementioned Georgia Moffett as "The Doctor's Daughter"! I'm sure we'll be seeing her again, especially since Steven Moffat requested that her character survive the episode. Blessed with the ability to regenerate without losing her original form, we could posit that certain guest star roles which she might play in the future could also be Jenny under an alias. (Although I'm not sure where she might find a time machine....)

Female, Dramedy
'Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog'
Sweet, lovely and so sad. Perhaps in some future incarnation of the Sing-Along Blog, Dr. Horrible might invent a time machine and go back to save her, even if it does mean screwing up the time-space continuum.

The 'John Adams' cast
Although I wasn't too pleased at first with the casting of Giamatti as Adams, based mainly on him looking nothing like the Founding Father, he still pulled off the suspension of disbelief. Laura Linney as Abigail had it easier and is skilled enough to have succeeded no matter what.

But how could I just choose them over all the others in the cast, from Tom Wilkinson and Zeljko Ivanek (who almost got the nod for Best Villain) right down to the actors in minor roles like John O'Creagh. (Okay, I admit it - John's a friend of mine and this is my birthday gift to him today!)

They were all excellent and must be acknowledged as a whole.

Nikola Tesla

It was certainly an interesting take on the scientist: practically immortal, vampiric, and best of all because of his accomplishments, he had powers based on bio-electrical energy. And there was just this attitude that put me in mind of the legendary movie villain Waldo Lydecker of "Laura".

It's almost a shame that the show had to be banished to the Evil Mirror Dimension because of its takes on Jack the Ripper and Dr. Watson/Sherlock Holmes. Because this Tesla - who apparently will be in the season finale, based on the preview - could have made for an exciting crossover villain in shows like 'Supernatural' and 'Torchwood'.

'True Blood'
Sure, the dialects were all over the map, but I could really accept that they all lived together in Bon Temps, Louisiana.

'Generation Kill'
They blended together so well, sometimes I had a hard time figuring out exactly whose storyline I was following.

Comedy [TIE]:
'Gavin & Stacey' & 'Supernova'

I bought into the whole dynamic of 'Gav and Stace', accepting that these people could all be related to each other; well-cast on that! As for 'Supernova', with each episode it was just so much fun to go back and hang out in the Outback with these Bruces and Sheilas.

A little something for everyone on the team, and now with an interesting adversary in Jim Sherman, Nate's former rival as insurance investigators.

Jean the cow
She even has a great line delivery, punctuating certain conversations with a pitch-perfect "Moo"!

Jason Stackhouse
'True Blood'
Nuff Said. And it looks like he's set himself on a road to salvation that will keep him stumbling along stupidly as well.

Donna Noble
'Doctor Who'

Considering there's only one other regular in the cast anyway, I wasn't sure I should award this to Donna, along with her win for "Best Character Return". But considering how much resistance there was to her return to the TARDIS by the fan base (and I will admit, I was one of them), to not only completely win them over but to also have many declare her as the greatest Companion of all is a testament to the abilities of Catherine Tate as the actress and to RTD for shepherding the role through the various scripts.

Still more to come!

Toby O'B

Monday, January 5, 2009


As fans of 'Doctor Who' all know by now, 26 year old Matt Smith will be the Eleventh Doctor. He will be the youngest actor to assay the role.

As such, I think the Doctor should take on an older woman to be his Companion in the TARDIS, one who at the very least will give him some needed gravitas when trying to convince people in danger that they ARE in danger. (You know they're just going to ignore him even more than they did when the other Doctors tried to sound the alarm. But this time it's more than just the fanciful nonsense he'd be spouting; it'll be because he's just so damned young to have such authority!)

And so, here's my suggestion for his Companion:

Annette Crosbie!

Wouldn't you like to see her tsk-tsking him for language, or reminding him to buckle up should he ever find old Bessie and decide to take her for a spin during an adventure (even though a Rutan is about to attack them?) And he would constantly be reminding her that he is older than her; he's not a little boy!

Toby O'B

TVXOHOF, 01/2009-A: REEGE!

January is traditionally the Classic TV month for the Crossover Hall of Fame. And since he'll be appearing on 'Brothers & Sisters' next Sunday (from what I read), then I thought there'd be no other better for this honor than Regis Philbin.

"Brothers & Sisters"

- Sibling Rivalry (2009)

"How I Met Your Mother"
- The Best Burger in New York (2008)

"Ugly Betty"
- The Manhattan Project (2008)

"The Knights of Prosperity"
- Operation: Oswald Montecristo (2007)

"All My Children"
- Episode dated 14 September 2005 (2005)

"That Was Then"
- A Rock and a Head Case (????)

"Primetime Glick"
- Regis Philbin/Russell Crowe (2001)

"Spin City"
- The Bone Collectors (2000)
- How to Bury a Millionaire (1999)

- Radio Daze (1997)
(At least one of these appearances may be as the voice of Carter's dog....)

"The Famous Jett Jackson"
- New York (1999)

"Caroline in the City"
- Caroline and the Sandwich (1998)

"Style and Substance"
- A Recipe for Disaster (1998)

"Second Noah"
- Diving In (1997)

"Soul Man"
- Grabbed by an Angel (????)

Marry Me (1997) (TV-movie)

"The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air"
- I, Stank Hole in One (1996)

"Hope & Gloria" - Listen, Sister (1995)

"Women of the House"
- Dear Diary (1995)

"The Cosby Mysteries"
- Big Brother Is Watching (1995)

"The Larry Sanders Show"
- Like No Business I Know (1994)

- The Opposite (1994)

"Kung Fu: The Legend Continues"
- May I Ride with You (1994)

"Mad About You"
- The Man Who Said Hello (1993)

"Number 96"
- Chick Hits It Big (1980)

At least one of those shows, 'Spin City', is set in an alternate universe. And this doesn't even take into account his many appearances in variety shows, sports programs, interview panels, etc......

And then there's his work in.......

"Lilo & Stitch: The Series"
- Drowsy: Experiment #350 (2004)

"The Simpsons"
- Old Yeller-Belly (2003)

- Treehouse of Horror IX (1998)

"Family Guy"
- Family Guy Viewer Mail #1 (2002)

With the "Treehouse of Horror IX", Regis Philbin joined an exclusive club with Jerry Seinfeld and Drew Carey - he got to interact with pen-and-ink characters who crossed over from the Tooniverse!

Toby O'B


The TV Crossover Hall of Fame began in 1999, as part of the old "Tubeworld Dynamic" website. We started off with a good powerhouse of crossoverists like Sam Drucker, Abraham Lincoln, Frasier Crane, Richard Munch, the televersion of Jack Benny, and Santa Claus. And before we inducted the next year's class, we established the "Proto-Hall" charter members, those TV characters who were given special showcases on the site over the previous two years (the televersion of Bob Hope, Kermit the Frog, George Washington, Julius Caesar, the Lone Ranger and Tonto.

So now here we are, Ladies and Gentlemen!, Ten Years After!

And so for this occasion, I've decided to induct a new member EACH WEEK!

It won't be random; there will be four different categories each week: leading off will be the League of Themselves, which will be followed by entrants from:

the Tooniverse

As Seen On TV (Historical Figures)

Location Location Location!

I hope to post a new one every Monday, at least until I go crazy.


Toby O'B


In "Chuck vs. The DeLorean", Morgan bought himself a DeLorean; and even though it was a piece of junk that died out when it went over 20 miles an hour or so, he just had to have it. After all, it was the car from "Back To The Future"!

This poses a bit of a Zonk, even though "Back To The Future" was a movie. Because Christopher Lloyd appeared as Doc Brown in live-action bumpers during the animated version of 'Back To The Future', and in a live-action segment at the end of each episode with Bill Nye, teaching kids about science.

So even though most of that show belongs in the Tooniverse, Doc Brown still ends up a citizen of Earth Prime-Time as well. In fact, because of a great sketch on 'Saturday Night Live' when Michael J. Fox hosted, he's in Skitlandia as well. Hrmmm.... I think we have a multi-dimensional candidate for the TV Crossover Hall Of Fame!

And at any rate, we do have a bit of a Zonkish problem on our hands.

So here's what has to happen - the events in Marty McFly's life, in which he went back in time to when his parents were dating, became known to the general public and were eventually turned into at least one motion picture (so far as Toobworld is concerned). Later in that 'Chuck' episode, Morgan had another shot at a famous car; this time it was the "General Lee" of 'The Dukes Of Hazzard' fame.

This Zonk is a little easier to deal with. The car came from the movie about the "real-life" Dukes of Hazzard County. Boss Hogg crossed over to 'Alice'; I'm not about to risk losing that connection just for a one-off visual joke on 'Chuck'!

So those two Zonks are run off the road!

Toby O'B


Ashley Magnus:
"Henry, you're Indiana Jones … with cooler toys."

Even though Professor Henry "Indiana" Jones is an established TV character, thanks to 'The Indiana Jones Chronicles', this doesn't count as a Zonk. It's not even a reference to the movies.

Based on his established age in the TV series, (and due to the passing of the actor who played him as an old man), Indiana Jones is now dead. And I think his exploits surely must have gained notoriety long before he passed away - the subject of biographies, novels, perhaps we could even claim that the movies are based on his "real" life in Toobworld.

Of course, we'd have to be talking about the Indiana Jones of the alternate TV dimension in which we'd find 'Sanctuary'.......

And for alls I know, Dr. Helen Magnus probably even knew Indiana Jones. Better than that, I'd bet the fedora that at some point during his younger years, she even bedded him!

Oh, wait. Keeping in mind the Ark of the Covenant and the Holy Grail, maybe it would be better to say she knew him in a biblical way.....

Toby O'B


Still fixated on the news out of Great Britain about the Eleventh Doctor, I thought today's historical figure "as seen on TV" should come from there as well.

And following yesterday's depiction of Queen Elizabeth II, I thought to go back a bit further among the crowned heads for King Richard the Lion-Hearted, as he looked during the Crusades:
And in keeping with all things related to 'Doctor Who', this was from "The Crusades", from the era of the First Doctor....

Toby O'B

Sunday, January 4, 2009


Today, with the third segment of the 2008 Toobits Awards, we honor some of the new personnel of Toobworld. (Tomorrow we'll have more!) You may not think some of these were the greatest of performances, and I might even agree with you on a few. However, it's more important about what they can bring to the dynamic of Toobworld.

WARNING! The following post does contain some spoilers for certain series, especially late-season series like 'True Blood' and the 'Doctor Who' Christmas special. If you don't want to have these ruined for you, be gone with you before somebody drops Greg House on you!
Having said that, let's begin......

Henry Foss
Ryan Robbins was only listed as a guest star throughout the series, but he's a vital member of the team, made even more so with the revelation that he's a lycanthrope, a werewolf. Since the back-story of 'True Blood' includes werewolves, we could make a legitimate, if still theoretical crossover between both shows - if only they shared the same TV dimension. (Based on the first part of the 'Sanctuary' season finale, I've got to let it go and send it off to the Evil Mirror Dimension with my blessing. Hrmm... they wouldn't like blessings, would they?)

John Popper - 'Z Rock'
Joan Rivers - 'Z Rock'

If I had "Best Comedic Villain" as a category, I think there's no question John Popper would win. He may never be considered a good actor, but you could tell he was having fun playing himself as a total sleazebag pig. And Joan Rivers upped her ante for consideration for membership in the TV Crossover Hall Of Fame, especially because her televersioin is now considered to be Dina's aunt. Toobworld Central LOVES when fictional characters are related to real people! (Megan and Tim Russert, Vera and Art Carney as examples)
Plus, she was on top of her game at her bitchy best - I can't think of anybody else who wouldn't mind being known for giving David Lee Roth blow jobs!

Michael Bay, Verizon FIOS
Brooke Shields - Volkswagen
The action director spoofed his own image as a blow-em-up-real-good guy, and Brooke showed her dark side as she ridiculed pregnant women for the reason they wanted to own a piece of German engineering. She also supplied the best line of dialogue from all the commercials shown this year: "Please.... Don't be like Becky."

The Southern-Norfolk Railroad gas cans
This is what Toobworld is all about - living, walking gas cans! Inanimate objects that come alive are a staple in blipverts; but even without CGI-added faces or cutesy voices, these gas cans had what the Tin Man was lacking - heart.

Donna Noble
'Doctor Who'
I will freely admit that I had major doubts about the return of Donna Noble's character to the series, and on a regular basis at that! Not after "The Christmas Invasion", even if there had been growth in her character by the end of that episode. But with Catherine Tate's talent and excellent scripts to showcase her further develoopment, Donna became one of the greatest of the Companions and the one with the most powerful story arc. (And that's Donna on the left, wiseguy!)

Detective Kevin Bernard
'Law & Order'
As with the departure of Detective Ed Green in the same episode ("Burn Card"), Bernard's first appearance was low-key and didn't trumpet the fact that Anthony Anderson would be coming on board as Detective Lupo's new partner. If you hadn't been reading the press releases, you might have accepted him as a one-off guest star, as he was from a different department and specifically introduced just for that case.

Nate Haskill
Never once while I was watching Bill Irwin's chilling "DJK" serial killer in the episode "19 Down" did I once think about Mr. Noodle of 'Sesame Street' or any number of other characters that he's played. He truly embodied this creepy monster and owned his scenes - and that was even after being twice removed from the viewer by being seen on a video screen.

Miss Mercy Hartigan
'Doctor Who' - "The Next Doctor"
American viewers! Don't read this if you don't want to be spoiled about the 2008 Christmas special!

You can always count on 'Doctor Who' to supply the best in villainy, and the wimminfolk have always been splendid purveyors of bitchery. Best of all with Miss Hartigan, there's no real indication that she's dead; she can always return somehow from the Void - She's smart enough to figure out how! - and bedevil the new incarnation of the Doctor someday!


Sam Merlotte
'True Blood'

Don't read this if you're not caught up on the first season of 'True Blood'!

Shape-shifters have long been a part of Toobworld culture, but for the most part they've been aliens or magical creatures. Sam may be the first human shape-shifter, and if not, he's the one who will give their species the most visibility in the TV Universe.

Claudia Brown/Jenny Lewis
Once the Toobworld timeline was tweaked by Nick Cutter's trip into the past at the end of Season One, the life of Claudia Brown was erased. But instead of being erased completely, she was still around - in almost the exact same circumstances (as a PR spokesperson) - but with a new name, Jenny Lewis.

This is great for Toobworld splainins as to why certain actors show up on the same show more than once. At least, it gives a splainin for one extra character only. After that, we'd have to go back to the "identical cousin" well again.

Tomorrow we'll wrap up the look at this year's winners in the Tele-Folks Directory. And then it's on to various crossover best in shows.....

Toby O'B