Saturday, March 19, 2011:
Both of my locks on my front door bit the dust today. So in order to maintain peace of mind, I had to call out from work tonight. I've only done that once before in the 21 years I've worked there. So my plans are to write up a few posts for future editions of my blog Inner Toob and to listen to "Vin Scelsa's Idiot's Delight" in real time.
You can as well - Vin is on WFUV 90.7 FM, public radio from Fordham University. And if you're out of the listening range, you can hear him online from at
Streaming content costs money, however, and with the latest idiocy (NOT "Iddiocy"!) from the Republican-controlled Congress slashing all funding for NPR, WFUV could use your help.
But at least consider contributing to the NPR outlet in your area. Don't let "them" kill something so vital!
Both of my locks on my front door bit the dust today. So in order to maintain peace of mind, I had to call out from work tonight. I've only done that once before in the 21 years I've worked there. So my plans are to write up a few posts for future editions of my blog Inner Toob and to listen to "Vin Scelsa's Idiot's Delight" in real time.

Streaming content costs money, however, and with the latest idiocy (NOT "Iddiocy"!) from the Republican-controlled Congress slashing all funding for NPR, WFUV could use your help.
But at least consider contributing to the NPR outlet in your area. Don't let "them" kill something so vital!