Wednesday, January 2, 2019


2019 marks the 20th anniversary of the Television Crossover Hall of Fame.  And this year for the monthly showcases we’re going to showcase the superheroes of the greater TV Universe, and not just those to be found in Earth Prime-Time.
Many of these characters are not only multiversal (to be found in more than one metafictional universe like books, movies, TV shows, and in this case, comic books), but they are also multidimensional within the TV Universe.

With most of our Friday Hall of Famers, we’ll be continuing to induct our usual roster of TV characters and members of the League of Themselves who may definitely qualify for membership but who don’t have enough “oomph” to warrant a monthly showcase until I absolutely ran out of other options.  And hey, Time is limited so I want to get as many others into the Hall while I can. 

The Friday Hall of Famers also include those whom I think should be included but who would need a bit of technobabble splainin on my part to make it almost seem legit. 

But on occasion I will also include a few others from the superhero motif whom I think deserve to get in even without the full qualifications (but which, again, I can splain away).

With each monthly induction of a superhero (or sometimes, a super-villain), I will still be following the themes of the past:

  • JANUARY - Classic TV
  • FEBRUARY - Black History
  • MARCH - (usually) League of Themselves
  • APRIL - The Fool
  • MAY - Queen of the May
  • JUNE - Double Acts
  • JULY - Anything Goes
  • AUGUST - Western
  • SEPTEMBER - Behind The Scenes
  • OCTOBER - Horror 
  • NOVEMBER - Newsmakers
  • DECEMBER - Winter/Holiday
There will still be the annual entries for the Birthday and Christmas Honors List.

So let’s have at it! 

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