Tuesday, January 1, 2019


I belong to several Facebook groups geared around ‘Doctor Who’ in which there are plenty of fans who offer up great photoshopped crossovers and candid pictures of the actors from this long-running sci-fi treasure.

Here’s one that popped up back in August of 2017, which could have been taken back in 2013 during the filming of the 50th anniversary special.  Or perhaps while they were both at a convention.

Hrmmmm – just in case you didn’t know, that’s David Tennant, the Tenth Incarnation of the Doctor, and Tom Baker, the Fourth Incarnation and the future Curator.  But don’t worry.  I won’t judge.

I think this would be a great jumping off point as inspiration for some ‘Doctor Who’ fanfic.  Oh!  But not with Tennant as the Tenth and Baker as the Fourth.  No, that would be too easy.

I would love to see what the fanficcers out there come up with if they write a story about the Curator of the Under-Gallery and the Meta-Doctor, who was created from the Doctor’s severed hand and generated with the power of regeneration cast off by the Tenth Incarnation. 

The Meta-Doctor, because of the involvement of Donna Noble, is human and possessing the knowledge of the Doctor up to that point in his extended life.  But even more importantly, the Meta-Doctor is in the Over There TV Dimension with Rose Tyler.  As he was “”born” with the emotions of the original, he probably was in love with Rose; they could even be married and have a few wee bairns by now.

But over there, while the Curator is in the realm of Earth Prime-Time.

But now that the Time Lords have returned, it should be pozz’ble, just pozz’ble, for the Curator’s TARDIS to ferry him through the dimension veil to that world.  And there the Curator and the Meta-Doctor could have a kickbutt adventure. 

Rose would be the Companion to the Meta-Doctor.  And her mother Jackie and her alt-father Pete could be involved as well.  As for the Curator, I could see the two Osgoods tagging along for the ride.

So what say you, fanficcers?  As Bob Ryan often said in ‘Entourage’, is that something you might be interested in?


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