Sunday, January 1, 2023


It's Seven O'Clock.  Time for 'Jeopardy!'

It feels almost as if the game show 'Jeopardy!' has a love for 'Doctor Who'.  Just a quick search of Facebook yielded these examples of when the long-running sci-fi series was the answer looking for a question.

As of this writing (July 8, 2022), this was the most recent puzzle which kicked off this thread:

Here are the others....

Just my opinion, but I think this one was poorly worded.

I'm probably wrong, but this doesn't feel
as though it was really from the show.  
I think it's because of the font.

Technically, this is a Zonk, because 'Jeopardy!' is a TV series within Toobworld.  But it has been accepted that 'Doctor Who' is a TV show as well, created to provide plausible deniability for the real Time Lord.

If any more come up in future episodes before the blogAthon launches, I'll make sure to add them.  Hopefully....

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