Monday, January 1, 2018


We’ve got another “Fanficcers’ Friends” topic for this half hour.  (There will be plenty of them before the day is out!)

First some dialogue to establish the premise:


From the IMDb:

Still in 1969, the Doctor has come to the conclusion that the alien creatures are only seen when they directly look at them. As soon as you look away, any memory of their presence is wiped clean. The aliens are also able to leave suggestions in people's minds, and aren't invaders per se, but have been on Earth for a very long time. While the Doctor works to ensure the success of Apollo 11, the others try to solve the mystery of the little girl in the space suit.

This world is ours. 
We have ruled it since the wheel and the fire. 
We have no need of weapons. 

So they're parasites, then. 
Super-parasites, standing in the shadows of human history since the very beginning. 
We know they can influence human behaviour any way they want. 
If they've been doing that on a global scale for thousands of years. 

We have ruled your lives since your lives began. 
You should kill us all on sight, 
but you will never remember we were even here. 


From the IMDb:
Rusty decides to become a talent agent. He then signs up a children's vocal group and negotiates to book them on 'The Ed Sullivan Show'.

Since most TV shows should be sharing the same universe, then the Silence – those aliens who had been observing Mankind and shaping its future since the beginning of “civilization” but whom people never remember once they look away after seeing them – should be considered as part of every TV show ever made about life on Earth Prime-Time.  (At least until 1969; no idea if they are still on the main Toobworld.)

And that would mean they were in this episode of ‘Make Room For Daddy’…..

When Danny Williams’ agent Phil Brokaw brought Rusty’s clients over for Danny to audition, it appears that there was at least one Silence in the apartment with them all.  I came to this conclusion while watching the Four Angels – who would one day be part of the family musical group The Sylvers.  Every so often, one child or the other would look off to the side, towards the invisible Fourth Wall, as if somebody is standing there.

(Remember, we’re dealing with an alternate reality, a fictional universe based on television.  If you insist on watching this from the perspective of our reality and believing that they’re looking at technicians, family members, coaches who are probably offering suggestions off-camera, then why are you even visiting here?  I feel sorry for you if you never give in to your imagination.)

It starts with the youngest of the girls as she looks over and sees the Silence.  But when she looks away, she continues singing because she has forgotten the existence of the alien. 

Then her younger brother, standing next to her, sees the Silence as well.  But he quickly looks away and forgets.

His older brother, standing behind him, looks to the left and sees the alien observing them.  But again, the boy forgets all about the Silence once he looks away. 

The interesting suggestion of the presence of a Silence in the room is the glance to the right from the oldest of the Four Angels while her brother is looking left.  It could be that the alien is on the move, re-positioning itself for a better view.  Or even more disturbingly, there is more than one in the room.  
Then again, maybe she's just keeping her eye on the reactions from Danny Williams....

However, the Silence begins moving again.  And this time?  Rusty has seen it.

Here’s a close-up.

Nobody in that room was in danger from the Silence, at least not personally.  (As a collective, Mankind was in danger with the Silence shaping their lives.)  But even so, maybe you could use this as the basis for a fanfic story which crosses over ‘Doctor Who’ with ‘Make Room For Daddy’.  If you do?  Send me a copy!


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