Thursday, April 17, 2008


(I'm cleaning out my hard drive of pictures I've been storing until I had the chance to write them up. As I'm pretty much hobbled here on my days off with a bad knee, now's as good a time as any.....)

First off, I hope they don't do this because John McCain wins the election, because Toobworld Central is throwing its support behind Obama.

But should Lifetime or Oxygen or We ever decides to film the Cindy McCain story, I think Laura Harris ('Dead Like Me', 'Women's Murder Club') should get the lead role.
For McCain himself? I don't know... Richard Dreyfuss, maybe?

It would be a story that had something for everyone - for the supporters, it's the story of a woman who stood by her husband as he buffetted the scandals and the illnesses in his quest for the White House; while for the detractors, it has the story of a man who ditched his first wife for a liquor company heiress and again, had to deal with the scandal about an alleged mistress.

Just sayin', is all.

Toby OB

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