Sunday, February 24, 2008


Thanks to Joe at "I Am A TV Junkie" (link to the left, Party Faithful), I've been checking out a Toobworld website for Jennings and Rall. "J&R" is a Haliburton-styled corporation that looks to be conspiring to take over what's left of America in the alternate TV dimension for 'Jericho'.

I'd add them to the blogroll of similar links to the left for such shows as 'Eureka', 'Lost', and 'Doctor Who', but it doesn't look as though the Nut Brigade was successful in bringing larger audiences back to 'Jericho'. Apparently, it's going to be the seven new episodes and out for the post-nuke drama.

One thing the website will spur me to do - a bit o' spring cleaning on those other sites. I'm guessing some of those "freakylinks" might be dead ends by now.....

Toby OB

So, three fictional blogs have bitten the dust - Barney's, Adam's, and Dave's. BAD - I don't like the portent of that! I also found a new link for Widmore Labs (which had morphed into a real estate site), and added two blipvert links - one for Adweek's Ad of the Day and one for TV Spots' Ad Archive.

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