Friday, September 16, 2005


No, not the cable network......

Joss Whedon has confirmed that he's planning to bring back the character of Spike the Vampire (as played by James Marsters) for one last hurrah in a TV movie.

"I haven't left the Buffyverse behind. I'm talking in reference to that... and possibly more," he said hinting at additional characters from the series coming back as well. (Personally, I don't think he was referring to "possibly more" TV-movies. Marsters can't hold back Time, and vampires aren't supposed to age.)

"I can only teasingly hint, unfortunately, until it's got backing and we've got a schedule and a contract."

The director of the upcoming cinema addition to Toobworld, "Serenity", has "been talking to some of the actors, writers, and some executives and are trying to put something together - - but it's not happening fast."


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