Friday, December 5, 2008


December 5, 1831:
Former US President John Quincy Adams takes his seat in the House of Representatives.

The tenth episode of 'The Adams Chronicles' mini-series had William Daniels portray the elderly former President. It showed this chapter in his life, when he went against the wishes of most of his family; they wanted him to turn his attention to writing the family's history. But he accepted the chance to represent his district in Congress.

While there, Adams faced opposition from those in the South who thought he did too much for the cause of abolition. At the same time, there were those in the North who threatened his life for doing too little.

During his time in Congress, Adams appeared before the Supreme Court to petition for the Negroes who took command of the Amistad, in hopes to escape their future of slavery. He also successfully fought off an attempt to censure him for presenting a petition from his constituents to dissolve the Union.

In 1847, when he was 80 years old, John Quincy Adams was stricken just as he was about to protest a motion to honor the Mexican generals who were once the enemies of the Union. After being visited by Henry Clay, Adams pronounced himself composed to meet the end.

Toby O'B

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