Thursday, July 3, 2008


Remember 'Mystery Science Theater 3000'? Although the characters live on in Toobworld (without us able to see them of course), the show itself has gone on to cathode heaven.

But the original gang - including Joel and TV's Frank - has regrouped online to become Cinematic Titanic and they're now providing commentary on old movies, basically as themselves.

And now they're offering their first DVDs of their efforts.

I picked up the first two:

"The Oozing Skull"
"Doomsday Machine"

I watched "The Oozing Skull" last night and as Andrew Wycke would have said of St. John Lord Merridew the great detective: "Yet their old skills have not deserted them." The one thing that struck me was that Time has indeed marched on with the topicality of the references.

Just one downside and it was unavoidable - I miss the 'bots.

I also got Comedy Central's "Home Grown", thanks to J.B. That just came today. That looks to be a fun way to spend my overnight lunch hours. Muchos gracias, J.B.!

Toby OB

1 comment:

Brent McKee said...

I hate to bring this up Toby but I think that the death of Don S. Davis deserves a mention here. He died of a massive heart attack at his home in Gibson's B.C. Here's a link to something he did while working in Canada.