Monday, March 24, 2008


CBS is working with Glenn Gordon Caron again, eight years after 'Now & Again'. This time the project is entitled 'Meant To Be's', about a wealthy young gallery owner in New York named Janine. One night she elopes and as she's about to embark on her honeymoon, she gets thrown from her 40th-floor hotel balcony.

Death doesn't become her, however. Instead she becomes a "Meant To Be", some spiritual force who helps other people back on Earth (Prime-Time) to head in the direction they were meant to take.

Since this will be a CBS project - if the pilot flies into a series - I'm wondering if CBS will give it a boost by crossing it over with 'The Ghost Whisperer'? Or is the character of Janine tied to New York City?

And why New York City... again? Why not Detroit or Chicago or Atlanta or Philadelphia? The City of Angels would be too obvious, of course.

(I'm assuming the scenario would work better with a big city.)

Hartford! (Gotta put a plug in for my home state.....)

Toby OB

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