There are two couples who are dear friends of mine, Mr. & Mrs. Asparaguy, and I.V. and the ADA. For the past month, we've been juggling our schedules, hoping to find a night when we all could get together for dinner. And Halloween finally worked out to be best for us all.
But I did have possible plans for Mischief Night - I would have gone out with the Likely Lads, Mark & Michael, in full costume.
And the costume I cobbled together?
My TV Land cap
My NBC Baseball jacket
My white sweatshirt with the red "As Seen On TV" logo
If I got lucky, the following clothing items would have been revealed:
Black t-shirt with the caption "I'm not a doctor, but I play one on TV"
My 'Twilight zone' underwear for the episode "To Serve Man" (I suppose if my fortunes had gone in either direction....)
And the final touch would have been those Times Square New Year's Eve sunglasses shaped like "2006"

And when asked what I was supposed to be?
"I am a TV Rerun."
Toby OB
I learned later that the parade's theme was to be "Wings of Desire". So I amended my costume a bit.....
When asked, I would say that I was "a TV Rerun of 'Wings'".....
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