Thursday, June 20, 2024



From CNN:
Willie Mays, the dynamic baseball Hall of Famer who shined in all facets of the game and made a dramatic catch in the 1954 World Series, died Tuesday at the age of 93, the San Francisco Giants announced.

Mays passed away “peacefully and among loved ones,” his son, Michael Mays, said in a release from the Giants, the Major League Baseball franchise with which Mays was most associated.

“I want to thank you all from the bottom of my broken heart for the unwavering love you have shown him over the years. You have been his life’s blood,” Michael Mays said.

On May 6, 2016, the televersion of Willie Mays from Earth Prime-Time was inducted into the Television Crossover Hall of Fame on the occasion of his 85th birthday.  (I always feel good when the TVXOHOF gets a new member while the Earth Prime person responsible is still living to enjoy it… not that I have any delusions that they ever actually see it.)

So this is just a recap with some added appearances which I now think deserve to be included in his tally.  (And yeah… there are also a few I forgot eight years ago.)