Every so often I like to share one of these foreign-dubbed TV series episodes to illustrate life in an alternate Toobworld.
“The Wedding March”
In German, the title was “Richter Killians Karriere” which kind of gives away a plot point. But titles and credits don’t matter in the overall Toobworld experience.
Life in German Toobworld plays out just as it did in the main Toobworld, Earth Prime-Time, as far as this adventure was concerned and for all TV series that were re-dubbed into other languages. But in the larger context of the world, that isn’t always the case.
Just the fact that all of these TV characters whom we in “Telemerica” know to speak English are speaking other languages would cause alterations to the lifestyle. But how is it that the entire world speaks German?
I think it goes beyond a total German victory in World War II and even World War I. I think they gained world domination far earlier in that world’s timeline. And one of the outcomes of such control over the Earth might have been that the two World Wars never took place; Hitler never rose to ignoble prominence. Although personally I don’t think that likely – the Third Reich is just so much catnip to the creators of TV shows. Even tossed-off casual references to the Nazis would invalidate that view of the world. At the very least, there was no need for characters in later decades to be dressed in those Nazi uniforms. (Which reminds me – “The Man In The High Castle” does not take place in German Toobworld.)
So much for all of that. On with the show, this is it!