Speaking of the FBI agent, how chilling was the moment where he starts ignoring Jack to mutter to himself about how "they" always need currency, implying -- as tachyon expert Dr. Langley suggested a few weeks ago -- there are always powerful men trying to track down and exploit time travelers?
That an FBI agent went rogue to investigate - perhaps at the behest of somebody more powerful - made me think of the private agenda for FBI agent Fox Mulder on 'The X-Files'. It was interesting to see it from the opposite point of view, and see how dangerous it could be. What if that had been Mulder? Would we have changed our allegiances within 'Journeyman'?

Sadly, this will probably be a moot point too soon, but I'm sure the fanficcers out there will have a field day with the concept.
Toby OB
By the way, you can find the link to Alan's blog to the left, of course!
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