Saturday, February 9, 2008


My Little Buddy Sean and his wife Gosia are living in Taiwan with their three kids (one of whom is my god-daughter Rhiannon). According to their blog, they are labeling themselves as a Catholic Anarchist Clan.

The other night they stayed in for the Chinese New Year. They celebrated the incoming Year of the Rat by watching what Taiwanese TV had to offer.

Hoo boy!
These are a few pictures from what they saw, but to get the full, gaudy, colorful, crazy sense of just a small portion of their boob tubery, check out this entry at
"The Cur Family Blog". (Apparently "Cur" is how their last name gets mangled over there.)

Warning! If you're addicted to TV but hate Karaoke, Taiwan is NOT the place for you!

Toby OB

1 comment:

the Cur family said...

It's Year of the Mouse!! Well, the Chinese symbol is 鼠, and it can be used interchangeably for either Mouse or Rat... but everyone tells me Mouse here... I guess they're cuter. For the calenders, you know?

We had a rat come up through our floor drain in the kitchen, and I don't want a year full of that...