It's only been in the last year that I learned about the Wilhelm Scream. Not that I had never heard it before, but that it had an established history... and a name.
For those out there who still may not know what the Wilhelm Scream is, it's a sound bite of a man's death scream that apparently originated in the movie "Distant Drums". Legend has it that it was provided by Sheb Woolley and it's named after the character Private Wilhelm in the movie "The Charge At Feather River", which was the second movie to use it.
Although sound editors have been using it for fifty years, the Wilhelm Scream had a major resurgence when Ben Burtt added it into the original "Star Wars" movie (when Luke shoots the stormtrooper across the chasm in the Death Star). A lot of times it's tossed into the sound mix as an in-joke.
Here is a video clip of some of its uses over the years:
The most recent use of the Wilhelm Scream - to my knowledge at any rate - was in the new series "Human Target". Chance tossed one of the bad guys out of an aerial tram:
Thanks to Wikipedia, here's a list of TV shows which have utilized the Wilhelm Scream*:
Battlestar Galactica
Young Indiana Jones
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
The Middleman
The Day of the Triffids
Human Target
Masters of Horror
('Community' was in that list as well, but it was used in a fictional movie, "Kickpuncher".)
For those out there who still may not know what the Wilhelm Scream is, it's a sound bite of a man's death scream that apparently originated in the movie "Distant Drums". Legend has it that it was provided by Sheb Woolley and it's named after the character Private Wilhelm in the movie "The Charge At Feather River", which was the second movie to use it.
Although sound editors have been using it for fifty years, the Wilhelm Scream had a major resurgence when Ben Burtt added it into the original "Star Wars" movie (when Luke shoots the stormtrooper across the chasm in the Death Star). A lot of times it's tossed into the sound mix as an in-joke.
Here is a video clip of some of its uses over the years:
The most recent use of the Wilhelm Scream - to my knowledge at any rate - was in the new series "Human Target". Chance tossed one of the bad guys out of an aerial tram:
Thanks to Wikipedia, here's a list of TV shows which have utilized the Wilhelm Scream*:
Battlestar Galactica
Young Indiana Jones
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
The Middleman
The Day of the Triffids
Human Target
Masters of Horror
('Community' was in that list as well, but it was used in a fictional movie, "Kickpuncher".)
I've rearranged that list so that it's in some sort of historical order. (But since 'Masters Of Horror' was an anthology series, I have no idea when the episode concerned took place.)
Why the timeline? Because I think it comes into play as a theoretical link between all of those shows and the most famous sci-fi TV series of all time, 'Star Trek'
I'm proposing that we hear the exact same death scream in all of those examples because it was emanating from the same source - not the victims, but from an entity that was possessing each of them before their deaths. The Wilhelm Scream is the sound it makes as it leaves the body at the moment of death. And it's off to find a new host to begin anew.
Can you see where I'm going with this?
I think it's Redjac, from the 'Star Trek' episode "Wolf In The Fold".
From Memory Alpha:
Redjac (also known as Jack the Ripper, Beratis and Kesla) was a non-humanoid life-form that existed for centuries by journeying from planet to planet and feeding on the pain and fear he caused by committing serial murders. It was similar to a parasitic organism, and required a humanoid host to inhabit in order to commit crimes.
It's already an established Toobworld theory that Redjac left the body of the original Jack the Ripper before the Vorlons abducted him, as revealed in an episode of 'Babylon 5'.
Here's the established timeline for Redjac:
1888 - 1891: 17 women in London, Great Britain
1932: Seven women in Shanghai, China
1974: Five women in the city of Kiev, USSR
2105: Eight women in the Martian colonies
2156: 10 murders in Heliopolis on Alpha Eridani II
Why the timeline? Because I think it comes into play as a theoretical link between all of those shows and the most famous sci-fi TV series of all time, 'Star Trek'
I'm proposing that we hear the exact same death scream in all of those examples because it was emanating from the same source - not the victims, but from an entity that was possessing each of them before their deaths. The Wilhelm Scream is the sound it makes as it leaves the body at the moment of death. And it's off to find a new host to begin anew.
Can you see where I'm going with this?
I think it's Redjac, from the 'Star Trek' episode "Wolf In The Fold".

Redjac (also known as Jack the Ripper, Beratis and Kesla) was a non-humanoid life-form that existed for centuries by journeying from planet to planet and feeding on the pain and fear he caused by committing serial murders. It was similar to a parasitic organism, and required a humanoid host to inhabit in order to commit crimes.

Here's the established timeline for Redjac:
1888 - 1891: 17 women in London, Great Britain
1932: Seven women in Shanghai, China
1974: Five women in the city of Kiev, USSR
2105: Eight women in the Martian colonies
2156: 10 murders in Heliopolis on Alpha Eridani II
In 2266 (as "Beratis") on Rigel IV
In 2267 (in the form of Hengist) on Argelius II**
In 2267 (in the form of Hengist) on Argelius II**

Redjac claimed to have existed since the Dawn of Time, so if the remake of 'Battlestar Galactica' can exist in Earth Prime-Time, then somehow Redjac escaped their home star system in somebody's body in that ragtag fleet of spaceships. But eventually that person (or the next body inhabited by Redjac) was chucked out of the airlock in the episode "Revelations". Either it made it back into the Galactica to possess someone else, or else it waited until its path crossed with another humanoid traversing the stars.
Perhaps the Master in his TARDIS? He'd make for a perfect host for the entity.
And then Redjac abandoned him once the Master arrived on Earth at some point before its manifestation in Sebastian's body to become Jack the Ripper....
When it re-inhabited the body of Mr. Hengist, the Enterprise crew beamed it off the ship with the widest dispersion possible. According to Mr. Spock, "its consciousness may continue for some time, consisting of billions of separate bits of energy, floating forever in space, powerless." But Kirk was convinced that it would eventually die.
(Tie-in novels and comic books have brought Redjac back, but those don't play any role in the TV Universe.)
'Star Trek'
'Doctor Who'
'Babylon 5'
The "Wilhelm Scream Shows" listed above.
*We didn't hear the Wilhelm Scream as Redjac left its final host, Mr. Hengist. But that could be attributed to it inhabiting a body that was already dead. As for when it left the body of Jaris, who remained alive? Well.... Hey, in space nobody can hear you scream, right?
(Tie-in novels and comic books have brought Redjac back, but those don't play any role in the TV Universe.)

'Star Trek'
'Doctor Who'
'Babylon 5'
The "Wilhelm Scream Shows" listed above.
*We didn't hear the Wilhelm Scream as Redjac left its final host, Mr. Hengist. But that could be attributed to it inhabiting a body that was already dead. As for when it left the body of Jaris, who remained alive? Well.... Hey, in space nobody can hear you scream, right?

Of course, you could hear the scream in 'Battlestar Galactica'.....
**The Wilhelm Scream also appeared in these shows but as they were either cartoons or some sort of reality shows, they weren't considered for this theory.
Out of Jimmy's Head
The Life and Times of Juniper Lee
Back at the Barnyard
Family Guy
**The Wilhelm Scream also appeared in these shows but as they were either cartoons or some sort of reality shows, they weren't considered for this theory.
Out of Jimmy's Head
The Life and Times of Juniper Lee
Back at the Barnyard
Family Guy
American Dad
Ed Edd n Eddy
Ed Edd n Eddy
Class of 3000
Star Wars: Clone Wars
Star Wars: Clone Wars
The Batman
Squirrel Boy
Squirrel Boy
George of the Jungle
George of the Jungle
Drawn Together
The Marvelous Misadventures of Flapjack
The Marvelous Misadventures of Flapjack
The Venture Brothers
Zeke and Luther
The Simpsons
The Cleveland Show
The Girls Next Door
1000 Ways to Die
American Idol
The Venture Brothers
Zeke and Luther
The Simpsons
The Cleveland Show
The Girls Next Door
1000 Ways to Die
American Idol
Embedding of the video is forbidden at YouTube, but you can see "Wolf In The Fold" there in its entirety.
Embedding of the video is forbidden at YouTube, but you can see "Wolf In The Fold" there in its entirety.
Well, you've now ruined dozens of movies and TV shows for me. And the "Feather River" clip may have been ahead of its time in proving that tobacco kills.
This is one for the books, Toby. Well written, great link to B5... I wonder if they used it in any puppet shows... I'd love to see Jack the Ripper linked to Sesame Street....
Don't worry about not hearing the Wilhelm Scream from that other guy on 'Star Trek'. Redjac was leaving a body that wasn't about to die so it didn't need to utter a death scream.
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