Wednesday, January 1, 2020


Back in March, this conversation started up in the 'Doctor Who' Facebook page:

Rich DeBlock
So I'm re watching new-who from the beginning. Now explain this one. I just watched the episode with the gelth and here's the thing. If the current Gwen from torchwood is a decendant of the Gwen from the gelth episode. How is that possible if that Gwen sacrifices herself and blows herself up to stop the gelth b4 ever having any children to carry on the line???

Chelsea Starland
Could've been a cousin or a sibling that carried on the line Gwen came from. I'm more concerned about how Martha's cousin looked exactly like her that seems far less likely.

Saturnia Bocast
The two Amys (the actresses) are cousins and they look nearly identical at the same age so I think it's plausible.

Chelsea Starland
They don't look the exact same though - you can see ear differences. Wasn't saying cousin's can't look similar; I'm saying it's less likely having cousins look identical. Never said impossible, just less likely.

This is where I stepped in....

From Toobworld....

And a fellow Whovian stepped up to carry the idea home (but not the long way round):

Paul Hoover

Toby O'Brien:

“Adi gets grabbed by Cybermen; 
converted and then, never seen again; 
But Martha gets to see the sights 
a girl can see from TARDIS heights; 
What a crazy pair! 
‘Cuz they’re cousins! Identical cousins, 
and you’ll find: 
They walk alike, 
they talk alike, 
by aliens they’re stalked alike - 
you can lose your mind! 
When cousins are two of a kind!”

Good one, Mr. Whoover!  


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