Here are the books by Rick Castle that were mentioned in the series debut:
From the Derek Storm series of novels:
Storm Fall
Storm's Break
Gathering Storm
Three books that were considered some of his lesser works:
Death Of A Prom Queen
Flowers For Your Grave
Hell Hath No Fury
And two more which were seen on a bookshelf:
A Skull At Springtime
A Rose For Everafter
Not a bad start for the show's contribution to TV trivia.
I'm not sure I heard Castle's ex-wife correctly, but I think she said the name of the publishing company was "Black Pond". If that's correct, maybe its owner took the name from Black Pond in Connecticut. Also, it makes for a nice rival to Whitestone Publishing from 'Dream On'. And since the world of 'Lost' should be influencing all of Toobworld (and not just with the Numbers), then that rivalry between the two publishing houses could be added to the black/white thematic.
I wonder if Kate Beckett, the detective working with Rick Castle, has any English relations? If she was related to Maxwell Beckett and had a falling out with her English kinsman, maybe that could be a reason why she's so cool to Castle......
Just sayin', is all.....
Toby O'B
Hey, that would be nice! Since I'm horribly hooked on this show, I'd be happy to read any Rick Castle-penned books!
It still keeps with the black and white theme, but I think the publishing company is Black Pawn. You can kind of see the chess piece on the close up of the copy Castle signs and gives to Beckett.
It's terrible to think that all these books, that we would love to read are non-existant. Tease!
Personally, I'd love to read "The Corpse Danced At Midnight" by JB Fletcher....
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