And this would include celebrities from Toobworld as well, including the icons and spokesmen to be found in commercials.

Here's a rundown of who attended:

MONKEY - ITV Digital, PG Tips tea


MARTIAN - Smash Instant Potatoes

THE MEAT-STICK - Pepperami

BRENDA & AUDREY - Bounty paper towels

CHURCHILL - Churchill Insurance


BERTIE BASSETT - Liquorice Allsorts

THE ADMIRAL - Admiral Insurance

CAPTAIN BIRDSEYE - Birds Eye fish fingers


THE 118 118 GUYS - 118 Directory Assistance

MICHAEL WINNER - Kenco Coffee and Esure car insurance
There was also a voice-over at the end, of someone who didn't get the recognition he supposedly deserved for putting the whole meeting together, but it wasn't recognizable to me as to who it should be. Can anybody help with that information?
They finally decided, in the tradition of Band-Aid, to create a song that would help them raise money. And in the most angelic voice since Charlotte Church, Honey Monster sang out:
Don't buy fish fingers
Don't buy Kitchen Rolls
Don't buy Teabags
Don't buy Chocolate
And he implored those listening to instead buy shiny red noses to help raise money.
The Captain Birdseye seen in the sketch has to be considered some sort of recastaway, since the original actor, John Hewer, passed away a year ago come March 16. We can always claim it's his brother, also a Captain. (I'm wondering if there was some sort of poor taste joke - and there's nothing wrong with those! - to be implied in seeing him laid out like that until the Honey Monster's song brought him back to life, as it were?)
Later tonight there'll be a big telethon which will either augment the histories for 'Outnumbered' and 'The Sarah Jane Adventures', or give them counterparts in Skitlandia.
We shall see what we shall view.....
If you want to see their Red Nose Day sketch, click here.

Toby O'B
1 comment:
Sounds to me like it was Ben Miller, who was voicing Monkey in this ad (I don't think he normally does in the PG Tips ads, where it's a generic posh bloke, but he's doing a lot for comic Relief this year)
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