Andrew said...
I just needed to post this somewhere: On this week's "Leverage" they made the whole mission a metaphor for chess (or chess was a metaphor for the mission) and their opponent said that she can see every angle and plans for every contingency. As if this metaphor wasn't lazy enough, she has a chessboard just sitting on the table nearby.
But then they have her randomly come up to the board, ponder a moment, and then move a pawn diagonally into an empty square. This is not how pawns move. Ever. I am not a fanboy nitpicker, but if you are going to beat the viewer over the head with chess as a metaphor, you'd think someone would have caught that, no?
Andrew is right; that's why they have continuity people and script supervisors. But since it wasn't caught, we have to come up with a reason why it happened within the reality of the show itself.

Toby O'B
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