There are plenty of blogs out there where you can read reviews of the special, especially at "Behind The Sofa". A lot of them are negative, some even scathing, which was surprising to me after I saw it because I liked it a lot. Of course, I'm easy to please.
Sure, it had plenty of faults (and I'm a big advocate for RTD to just come up with the stories and let someone else write them - or at least edit them), but I think it worked.
If you stumbled across here looking for a review, that's not what we do here; not really. The Toobworld Dynamic is all about the search for connections between shows. And "Voyage Of The Damned" has a good'un.
It's for a theory like this that I'm glad I came up with the 'Doctor Who'/'Journeyman' connection, so that I can keep this incarnation of the Doctor in the main Toobworld. Otherwise, I'd probably have to ditch this connection into the dustbin:

This will probably be a disappointment to the fannish many, but I'm not talking about the new and improved version of 'Battlestar Galactica'. That show has no place in the main Toobworld. Not only did the first 'Battlestar Galactica' establish primacy, but it's too enmeshed in the "Great Link" with real and theoretical connections to 'McCloud' and 'Mary Hartman, Mary Hartman', among others.
The ragtag fleet of ships that were shepherded by the Galactica across the galaxy from their home system reached Earth in 1980 (as seen in 'Galactica 1980', duh). Based on the supposed age of Troy, once known as Boxey, approximately thirty plus years had passed since the audience had last seen the Galactica fleet. (But this could change due to the lifespan of his people.) This gave the fleet plenty of time to cross Mutter's Spiral (known to us on Earth as the Milky Way) on its journey to Earth and visit various inhabited planets along the way.

So each of the inhabited planets in Mutter's Spiral (a list of those from 'Doctor Who' alone can be found here) could have been stopovers for the Galactica fleet on their way to Earth. and with each visit, individuals or entire ship rosters could have chosen to "jump ship" and stay with the populations of those planets, blending in.
And one of those planets could have been Sto, the planet of origin for the passengers and crew of the Titanic in "Voyage Of The Damned".
I don't think the entire population of Sto were refugees from the Galactican fleet; but there was possibly at least one person on board the Titanic who was once part of that armada.
Max Capricorn.

Adama, Apollo (Lee Apollo in the new version), Cassiopeia, Sheba, Athena, Cain, Bootes, Rigel, etc.
A name like "Max Capricorn" would fit right into that collection.

(Look at that outfit Scorpio is wearing in this picture with his human wife Holly. It just screams 1980s sci-fi!)
The timing works - Galactica arrives in hidden orbit around Earth in 1980; Robert Xavier Scorpio


Max Capricorn probably "jumped ship" on Sto, seeing in that world the possibilities to not only survive any incursion by the Cylons (should they find Sto), but also to carve out a niche for himself among Sto's population.
And that's what he did during his time on Sto, calling on his knowledge of spaceships to build his cruise line. (By Earth years, he was there on Sto for about half a century, but by the Stovian reckoning it was said he ran Capricorn Cruise Lines for "one hundred years". The picture on the left could be Max Capricorn earlier in his life... when he still had a body.)

However, Max became a "victim" of those laws when he was transformed into a cyborg himself - only his head kept alive with a tractor-like mechanical body. And that was one of the reasons his board of directors drove him out of his position of power.
The majority of the Galactican fleet reached Earth over a quarter century ago and have long since integrated themselves into the general populations. They cannibalized their ships to advance Terran technology so that they could repel any attacks by the Cylons.

And the Doctor probably learned of their presence on his adopted homeworld and may have even helped them in vanquishing the Cylons forever. Of course, this would have been an adventure that we never saw (perhaps with the Seventh or Eighth Doctor), nor are we likely to, but it would go a long way in splaining why we've never seen the Cylons again in Toobworld.
(Taking a slight detour, I'd love to see the Cylons team up with the Cybermen in much the same way as the Cybermen and Daleks didn't.)
I think that if the Doctor knew some of the Galacticans, he may have contacted them after he parted ways with Bayldon Copper on Christmas Day, 2008. He might have asked them to take Mr. Copper under their wing and guide him in the confusing ways of the Earth people so that he could live among them undetected for the alien that he was. (I think Bayldon Copper was more likely a native Stovian rather than a Galactican refugee.)

Toby OB
1 comment:
We finally had time to watch Robots of Death, I mean Voyage of the Damned... Man, I just don't know. I'm not panning it, but it was all over the map! Too many characters... And now they're engaged? are we supposed to care, RTD? The last 20 minutes or so were great fun, silly yes, but fun...
But why would he have a terribly expensive cliched "small dangerous bridge scene" sopping up all this time when he could have , oh I don't know, talked with the companion a little? Worked in a little plot? And it reminds me of what they wrote in the Discontinuity Guide about K9 and company... a villain so obvious that it makes you think it can't really be him...
::sigh:: .....but at least the Sontorans are back....
Just my two cents, clinking together in my pocket...
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