One of our suites was rented out by the Sci-Fi Network to be the base of operations for a cadre of seven Wraiths to promote the return of 'Stargate Atlantis' to the airwaves. These Wraiths carried signs advertising when the show would come back and claiming that they were "Wraiths For Peace".
Here's the casting notice that ran in Backstage - O'Bviously there would never be any name actors......
‘THE WRAITH TAKE TIMES SQUARE’ G Presents (prod.), in association with Warner Bros. and the Sci-Fi Channel, is casting The Wraith Take Times Square, a New Year’s Eve promotion for Stargate: Atlantis. Galen Greenlaw, exec. prod.; Jessica Hilf, prod. Event takes place Dec. 31-Jan. 1 (overnight) in Times Square, NYC. Seeking—Actors: male and female, 18-49, 5’9”-6’5”, will be expected to move through various high-traffic areas. Pays $275. Nonunion.
They looked like they were having a good time and they were popular with the other guests in our lobby.
But the Cybermen could have kicked their albino asses.....
Toby OB
Came across your blog on a search, as I'd read the casting notice but hadn't seen any mention on any New Year's shows about the "Wraith." Thanks for posting the photo!
I saw that Galen Greenlaw was the Exec Producer. Galen is an old friend who I haven't seen in about twenty years. Do you have any contact info for him?
'Fraid not, Paul. Sorry. I tend to steer clear of the real world side of the business. In fact, I'm pretty much unencumbered by reality in general.
But I'd try contacting whichever studio produces the series.
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