So even though we're weeks away from seeing Santa at the end of the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade, 'tis the season. So the least I could do is make the adverts diverting, Toobworld-style. And this first one is from England, circa 2004......

The Master also used it to turn into a Human to escape the Last Great Time War, and remained in Human form until he opened the watch part and remembered everything that the Doctor had done to him. (DW: Utopia)"
As I said, it was the first time the Chameleon Arch was actually seen in the program, but that doesn't mean that the Doctor never used the infernal device before. We may not have seen the Tenth Incarnation of the Doctor actually use it on our telly screens, but I think it could be argued that we saw the results of its use......
There are many unseen adventures of the Doctor which fill in the spaces between those adventures that were televised. A lot of these have been told via other medium (and thus are banished to other universes based on Mankind's imagination) - comic books, audio-plays, short stories, tie-in novels, and unofficial fan fiction, for example. Over at the Doctor Who Reference Guide, Dominique Boies lists not only the TV episodes but also the non-canonical stories, placing them approximately where she thinks they best serve the Doctor's personal chronology. And between the second Christmas special, "The Runaway Bride" and the introduction of Martha Jones into the series, "Smith And Jones", she has quite a rundown of stories:
There are many unseen adventures of the Doctor which fill in the spaces between those adventures that were televised. A lot of these have been told via other medium (and thus are banished to other universes based on Mankind's imagination) - comic books, audio-plays, short stories, tie-in novels, and unofficial fan fiction, for example. Over at the Doctor Who Reference Guide, Dominique Boies lists not only the TV episodes but also the non-canonical stories, placing them approximately where she thinks they best serve the Doctor's personal chronology. And between the second Christmas special, "The Runaway Bride" and the introduction of Martha Jones into the series, "Smith And Jones", she has quite a rundown of stories:
The Runaway Bride
Corner of the Eye
Warkeeper's Crown
The Hunters
13 O'Clock
Green Fingers
The Snag Finders
The Snag Finders
The Power of the Cybermen
Drones of Doom
Enemy Mine
Time of the Cybermen
Beneath the Skin
The Sky Below
Beyond the Sea
Lonely Planet
Plague Panic
Deep and Dreamless Sleep
Smith and Jones
As I said, this is not to say that all of those adventures actually happened to the Doctor we know from Television. In fact, the current Doctor (and the Ninth Incarnation preceding him), as we see him on the TV, is not even the Doctor from the main Toobworld. As I've mentioned many times in the past, there are far too many discrepancies within the series at present to allow the current version of 'Doctor Who' be a fixture in Earth Prime-Time.
But nevertheless, being a traveler in Time, the Doctor had plenty of opportunities for adventures after he dropped off Donna Noble and before he picked up Martha Jones. And in one of these, I believe he was forced to use the Chameleon Arch. And he perhaps stayed hidden as a human for several years - certainly long enough to marry a human and begin a life with her!
As I said, this is not to say that all of those adventures actually happened to the Doctor we know from Television. In fact, the current Doctor (and the Ninth Incarnation preceding him), as we see him on the TV, is not even the Doctor from the main Toobworld. As I've mentioned many times in the past, there are far too many discrepancies within the series at present to allow the current version of 'Doctor Who' be a fixture in Earth Prime-Time.
But nevertheless, being a traveler in Time, the Doctor had plenty of opportunities for adventures after he dropped off Donna Noble and before he picked up Martha Jones. And in one of these, I believe he was forced to use the Chameleon Arch. And he perhaps stayed hidden as a human for several years - certainly long enough to marry a human and begin a life with her!

And yes, for those newbies just joining us, TV commercials do count in the TV firmament.
Forty seconds in TV time, and we get the foundation for a new 'Doctor Who' story!
And in that space of time, we garner a few clues as to what is going on, as well as some additional questions.

(By the way - can anybody out there tell me the name of the actress who's playing the role of the wife in this Boots ad?)
Being married has brought along a slew of in-laws - we know that her mother's about, as well as Katie and Matt, who have a baby. I'm assuming that Katie is the wife's sister, as she gets top billing when they're mentioned.
There's also "little Hannah".... Now, I suppose the inclination might be - if we were just treating this commercial as nothing more than an ad for Boots, - to think of little Hannah as the daughter of this couple. But even then, I would argue against it. Does it seem logical to you that the parents would refer to their own daughter as "little Hannah" - oh wait. She might have been named after someone else, and this was their way to distinguish between the two (just in case he thought the popcorn maker was for the older Hannah).
And then she mentions her husband's brother....

We know the Doctor had a brother, if not still has one; he mentions him to Martha in a later episode. But by the way he talks about him, we're supposed to think there's something ominous, more than the usual sibling rivalry, in his relationship with his brother. (There was a lot of speculation after this revelation aired that the brother might turn out to be the Master. But by the time another episode "The Last Of The Time Lords" was broadcast, that theory was pretty much chucked, since neither one of them mentioned a family tie between them when it would have mattered.)

And perhaps we could make a further suggestion that the aforementioned "Hannah" was the daughter of the brother? It might be for her safety and benefit that they were hiding this time. Or it could be that she was some other Companion under the care and guardianship of the Doctor and his "brother".
(If I was writing fanfic, I'd make Hannah be the daughter of Susan, the Doctor's grand-daughter,

And there you have it. Eventually, whatever crisis forced the Doctor to utilize the Chameleon Arch that first time would have been settled, one way or the other, before he met Martha Jones during that adventure on the Moon. And that would lead to conjecture as to whatever happened to this wife and to Little Hannah.
Were there pink flame-throwers involved?
I suppose this type of argument could also be made for any one-shot appearances by the other actors who have played the Doctor over the years, from Hartnell to McGann, even Eccleston! And if at all possible, I'd restrict the options to other TV commercials. What made this Boots blipvert perfect was its brevity - it restricted the eventuality of Zonks by being so concise; less opportunity to give conflicting details.
I suppose this type of argument could also be made for any one-shot appearances by the other actors who have played the Doctor over the years, from Hartnell to McGann, even Eccleston! And if at all possible, I'd restrict the options to other TV commercials. What made this Boots blipvert perfect was its brevity - it restricted the eventuality of Zonks by being so concise; less opportunity to give conflicting details.

Well, if anything, this blog post should prove that I'm willing to make connections between just about anything on TV. Horse Hockey Pucks! The essay probably took longer to read than it was to watch the bleepin' blipvert!
Toby OB

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