And then something like this lands in my lap:
On the latest episode of 'Castle', Detective Ryan handed a murder victim's driver's license to Detective Beckett as they gathered around the body in Central Park. She took one look at it and declared that the victim was 25 and lived down in SoHo.

Even with my bad eyes, sitting the distance I was from the TV, even I could tell that the license said the address was in the 80's. Grabbing the screen capture provided the details:

Rick Castle repeated the information that he lived downtown, rather than across the park. (They were closer to the East 80's.) But then he didn't see the license. Detective Ryan, however, said nothing, and surely he saw the information listed. And yet he said nothing.
My tele-blogging buddy Joe Bua (his ling for "I Am A TV Junkie" can be found to the left, Team Toobworld!) had some suggestions as to why this happened:
Maybe there was a change of address thingy attached to the back? She's psychic? Her hotness allows her to read men's minds? She actually said, "the victim lives with Some Ho"?
I was trying to come up with some "Ho" reference as well.....
I try to apply Occam's Razor when it comes to splainin discrepancies, so here's what I think happened.
Beckett simply made a mistake; she meant to say "Upper West Side", but said "SoHo" instead. And that's because she had other things on her mind, namely the good-looking guy she was dating (who showed up at the end of the episode).
Beckett simply made a mistake; she meant to say "Upper West Side", but said "SoHo" instead. And that's because she had other things on her mind, namely the good-looking guy she was dating (who showed up at the end of the episode).

As to why Kevin Ryan didn't correct her, we've seen in the past that the detective backs down easily from those in authority. Since Beckett is his boss, maybe he didn't want to be seen correcting her. (I'm giving Detective Esposito a break on this one by claiming that he never got the chance to look at the driver's license.)
So that's my splainin on that Zonk.....
Now, thankfully, I have some breaking 'Doctor Who' news that needs some attention. Toobworld Central is still in business!
Obviously she had an intimate relationship with this guy and knew he lived in a soho neigborhood. His drivers license had his parents address because he moved out several months prior and hasn't updated it. His body should be fined...
Insightful Iowan...
I LOVE the added detail! Thanks, Iowan!
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