For the "Two For Tuesday" edition of "As Seen On TV", we're taking it to a higher source, One Whose name is spoken quite frequently in Toobworld as well as in the real world... and not often enough for the right reasons.
Specifically, the Almighty as seen in the Tooniverse.

'God, The Devil, And Bob'
James Garner
In this short-lived but interesting series, God met up with former minion the Devil in a bar and made a bet: the Devil got to choose one human to prove whether or not Mankind is decent and deserves saving. If the test subject failed, God would have to destroy all of Creation and begin anew. The Devil picked out Bob Allman (as in Everyman, I suppose) who was a Detroit auto worker, which probably made him ripe for temptation. And although the Devil could lure Bob into Sin, God wasn't allowed to give Bob any help along the way.
What I enjoyed most was seeing God as Jerry Garcia with James Garner's voice...

'Family Guy'
This was your typical one-shot throwaway joke, which 'Family Guy' must have a couple dozen per episode. Here we see what God would look like if He patterned Himself as "Flash Gordon" from the 1980s movie. (We even got to hear that "Flash! A-haaaaaa!" from Queen on the soundtrack. But this was the extent of the scene, so there was no dialogue for the Deity......
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