The world could have been - SHOULD have been! - destroyed several times over if the Doctor had not stepped in to save the day. So why did the basic set-up of daily life in London seem so normal for Donna Noble at the beginning of "Turn Left"?
Unlike the episodes which I looked at before, I don't think the four historical episodes (and two of the three suggested) could have been rectified on their own. The villains involved were all too powerful and should have wreaked havoc which would have made an impact to the present day.
So I think somebody else stepped in to take care of matters in each episode. And this being about Toobworld, I think those somebodies would be from other TV shows!
I can hear you groaning now. I probably beat this episode to a pulp for a while with all of the posts I ran about it. Sorry about that; it's just that I found the topic of Agatha Christie's tele-version to be fascinating.
But this time we're looking at those same events and those same characters in a different timeline in which the Doctor and Donna never showed at the Eddison Estate in 1926.
First, let's just go over the basic details:

Professor Peach actually died before the Doctor showed up - killed in the library with a lead pipe. Then there was the housekeeper, crushed by a falling gargoyle, and the son of Colonel Hugh and Lady Clemency, knifed in the back.
Assisted by the novelist Agatha Christie, the Doctor determined that the murderer was part human, part giant wasp (from an alien race known as the Vespiform). Thanks to quick thinking on Donna's part, the Vespiform drowned in a pond.
So what would have happened if the Doctor and Donna had never shown up?

So in the original timeline, Torchwood would have shown up too late to be of any use other than as a "mop-up" squad - retrieving the Vespiform corpse from the pond for further study, as well as dredging up the alien Firestone.
Without the Doctor's involvement in the new timeline, Torchwood would still have arrived to either kill or capture the Vespiform, but the body count would have been higher; perhaps even Agatha Christie would have eventually been murdered by the giant wasp. And then the world would have

But you may be wondering why I think Torchwood would be on its way to the Eddison Estate so soon in both timelines. It's because I think that by 1926, a former guest character of 'Doctor Who' would have been a member of Torchwood, someone with precognitive abilities who could have foreseen the need for Torchwood to respond to the situation even before it began. And that character would have been Tim Latimer, who had been a young schoolboy encountered by the Doctor in 1913. ("Human Nature"/"Family Of Blood")

Using his precognitive abilities, Tim would have led Captain Jack and the other members of Team Torchwood to the Eddison Estate; there to do battle with the Vespiform.

Torchwood may even have had enough time before they left for Lady Eddison's estate to contact the aging Sherlock Holmes in Sussex


Perhaps in other cases, Torchwood may have crossed paths with other sleuths of the 1920s, like Tommy and Tuppence Beresford or Albert Campion. But for the purpose of this examination into the revised version of "The Unicorn And The Wasp", I'm going to keep things simple and have Torchwood consist only of Captain Jack, Tim Latimer, and Alexander Waverly on this case.

Say no mo'!
'Partners In Crime'
'The Man From U.N.C.L.E.'
'The Adventures Of Sherlock Holmes'
Toby O'B
1 comment:
If you want to go even further, wasn't the organisation that UNCLE had to face in the pilot movie (the one without Mr Waverly) called WASP?
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