"A Cry For Help: The Tracey Thurman Story"
Dale Midkiff
In 1983 Charles “Buck” Thurman was sentenced to 20 years in prison after his brutal attack on his wife Tracey Thurman led to a $1.9 million suit against the Torrington, Connecticut police. In the Torrington case, Thurman was found guilty of stabbing his wife 13 times, stomping on her head, and partially paralyzing her for life.

No criminal charges were filed as she only asked for a restraining order to keep him away from her. The order was issued, she returned to Massachusetts and Thurman, who has a long history of ignoring court orders, violated this latest order.
Thurman pleaded guilty only to violating a restraining order. A judge placed Thurman on probation for a year. He ordered Thurman to participate in any counseling ordered by the probation department and ordered him to comply with the restraining order against him.

- Richard L. Davis
SAFE Speaker
what happened to him after that its 2011 now alot of time ha spassed since then
I hope the B------ is dead!!!!!
I just read that he now lives in MA, is remarried to his new wife, Christine......go figure...wonder how long before she ends up the same way, or dead?
He was a peace of shyt nd he should did more than 20 years he should of gottin life
I'm surprised no one hasn't killed him yet
He not dead....I worked with him in northampton area. He lives in easthampton ma...right down the street from me. I know he said if he seen tracy he would hit her with his car
First of all, this took place in Connecticut, and not in Massasachusetts-
The case against him for beating his wife took place in Connecticut. The Northhampton, Massachusetts reference is to a later case involving another woman.
I am from waterbury Conn, this happened in Torrington which is about a half hr from were i grew up. I remember this, it was bad and its true this case was a icon for law enforcement it was and i believe still is used to teach new officers and 911 dispatchers in Connecticut. The city of waterbury, Thomaston and Torrington used it for there polce explorer programs also.
Who in their right mind would even date/marry him after that? What, he changed? Men like him never change. Or care to.
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