I'm not sure if it could be said that he should look familiar to fans of the sci-fi TV genre, because it's been decades since his last regular role, so I'm just going to come out with it: He's Stefan Arngrim, who played the boy Barry Lockridge in 'Land Of The Giants'.

Arngrim is not playing his age in 'Fringe', however. Within the timeline of Toobworld, 'Land Of The Giants' began in the mid 1980's. So as an adult as seen in 'Fringe', Barry should be almost twenty years younger than he appears. (Arngrim is the same age as I am.)

That he's back on Earth Prime-Time O'Bviously means that his return from the 'Land Of The Giants' must have happened out of the view of the audience at home in the Trueniverse. And he didn't return directly to the main Toobworld - if Barry is working with the people from the alternate Toobworld, it's probable that he ended up over there on his return trip. They might even have been the ones responsible for a rescue mission since they are more advanced in technology than the main Toobworld.
Once they had him "home," it would have been easy to brainwash him into betraying his home dimension. ("They left you to die over there;" "If it wasn't for us.....;" "Helping us is the only way you can ever return home" etc.)
What they may not have known is that Earth Prime-Time did mount a rescue mission that failed miserably; and because of that (and the cost in lives and resources), no other attempts were made. It was assumed that the passengers and crew of the Spindrift had to be killed by the giants just as the rescue mission team was. (We saw this occur in 'The Twilight Zone' episode "The Invaders.")

Again, this all holds together only so long as we never learn the name of the Store Owner on 'Fringe'......

1 comment:
...#itstrue...(oh...and my name in 'V' was 'roy....'ray' in 'Fringe')......Sarngrim
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