But I couldn't resist and did a bit of shopping for myself - DVDs to add to the Toobworld Central library:
"CHILDREN OF THE STONES" - "Spooky turns to sinister as science and the supernatural collide." I've heard of this British thriller from various sources and thought I'd check it out.
"SHAKESPEARE'S AN AGE OF KINGS" - The old UConn drama student rose up and demanded this. But it's also a great way to integrate the History plays into Toobworld. And it should provide plenty of fodder for the "As Seen On TV" feature in the Inner Toob blog.
"BLAZING SADDLES" - I already had this, but this is the anniversary edition, so there should be plenty of new extras to check out. There better be....!
'MAUDE' - The First Season. I feel so Michael. And those who know Michael will understand.
"CHRISTMAS CAROL" - The Alistair Sim version, for me the very best one there ever was. This comes with the original version and the "turnerized" - i.e., the color - version. I'd never play that one unless it was requested by someone who didn't know any better.....
"ROME" - The complete series (2 seasons). Amazon was offering this in a one day only deal for less than fifty bucks so I figured I might as well go for it. Just checked the site now and each individual season is a bit over thirty bucks, and the complete package over $70, so I guess I made the right choice. Now I'll be able to make up for missing it the first time around. (Plus I can look for locations that were also used as Pompeii in that 'Doctor Who' episode....)
"SWING OUT, SWEET LAND" - A John Wayne NBC TV special celebrating America from 1970, sponsored by Budweiser and starring an incredible amount of the TV stars of the day. It may sound corny, but it proved to be quite moving in its own way; and who doesn't want to revisit old friends like Red Skelton, Jack Benny, and Dean Martin. Like "An Age Of Kings", this will provide plenty of material for "As Seen On TV".
"1001 CLASSIC COMMERCIALS" - Definitely something to take along when I go on vacation next year in April, just in case of a rainy day!
A new friend of mine also gave me a copy of the book "Chicken Soup for the Writer's Soul", so there's a special area in the stacks for books of that nature. Hopefully there are some useful pointers in there that will come in handy for any future projects. (I'm afraid I'm locked into the way the Toobworld novel is constructed, for better or more likely, for worse.)
So that's the latest haul for Toobworld.....
So that's the latest haul for Toobworld.....
Nice blog dear!! I came across your blog while searching to watch Law and Order show.. Really it's a fantastic series..
Some good stuff there. I met the bloke who wrote Children Of the Stones in a pub once. great series.
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