Monday, March 16, 2009


Among the projects coming up on NBC are two disaster mini-series that may or may not belong in the same alternate TV dimension. Definitely they can't take place on Earth Prime-Time!

Here are excerpts from both press releases:

In "Meteor," two massive rocks, tumbling debris older than the solar system itself, collide in space. The course has been altered. The target is Earth. In a remote observatory, Dr. Lehman discovers a meteor approximately three times the size of Mount Everest barreling its way towards Earth. His devoted young assistant Imogene O'Neill feverishly types in the coordinates only to find the previously identified meteor named Kassandra is headed their way. It's only the beginning of their troubles as showers of smaller meteorites begin to lay waste to major cities around the globe.

In "The Storm," also from RHI Entertainment, billionaire Robert Terrell has fulfilled a lifelong obsession and made history with "weather creation" technology through his Atmospheric Research Institute. But during a test run, a blast of energy is sent into the ionosphere with unexpected results. The experiments hurtle the planet towards destruction—hurricanes change course, winds go instantly from hot to cold, torrential rains bring regions to a standstill, and buildings crumble into ruins under explosive lightening storms. It's only the beginning.

Either one or both of them can be placed in that same alt-Toobworld in which those mini-series about those super-powerful tornadoes, hurricanes, earthquakes, and ice storms took place.

That dimension is just asking for it.....

Toby O'B

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