Whenever a British TV show, usually a crime series, refers to the phrase "Softly, Softly", it's not a reference to the venerable crime drama. Instead, within the reality of Toobworld, it's a reference to a style of police interrogation in which the suspect is treated with kid gloves, or just in treading carefully during an investigation.
The full phrase is "Softly, softly, Catchee Monkey." And that was heard in the TV shows 'Kingdom' and 'Ashes To Ashes'.
Just so you know.....
I first heard "Softly, softly, catchee monkey" as a kid when I saw The Mysterious Mr. Moto on tv. Apparently Peter Lorre was fond of this phrase, because he sometimes worked it into the dialog of other movies and tv shows he did over the years.
No idea where it originated.
Just so you know...
Thanks, Mike! I wish there had been a TV movie about Mr. Moto so that he could be included in the TV Universe. I always liked those movies....
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