"Old High Gallifreyan! The lost language of the Time Lords.
There were days—there were many days—these words could burn stars,
and raise up empires, and topple gods."
"What does this say?"
The Doctor:
"…'Hello, Sweetie.'"
From this exchange, might we consider the pozz'bility that the Doctor might have used his people's language to bring about an end to the reign that the demi-gods held over the humans of Earth? If so, we can make the case for theoretical connections to 'Hercules: The Legendary Journeys', 'Cupid', 'Venus, Inc.', and 'The Aphrodite Inheritance'. It could tie into any show that featured the mythologies of the Greeks, the Norse, the Egyptians, the Sumerians, and the Amerind peoples. (I'm thinking of 'Star Trek' with its appearance by Apollo.) Even the musical "Olympus 7-000" with Donald O'Connor as Hermes would come into play!

If some fanficcer wants to run with that, be my guest......
What's the image of Brian Blessed from?
I mentioned it within the post; it's "The Aphrodite Inheritance," a strange show from the UK which my UK TV bloggin' friend MediumRob introduced me to.
Unfortunately the embedded episodes no longer work and I hadn't finished watching the series. But they may be available via bit torrent....
Where you could find The Aphrodite Inheritance now, I couldn't possibly comment (cough thebox.bz). But what do you mean toppled? They're still in charge - they just don't want to be bothered with all our prayers any more...
Oh and demi-gods? I'm sure Aphrodite, Dionysus and Pan would be affronted to hear about their demotion. Watch out… ;-)
In the greater Toobworld concept, they are interdimensional beings who came to this world where their powers and near-immortality were looked upon as god-like, and they took advantage of that. Many of them came to believe they actually were gods.
I hope Jesus is an alien in Toobworld. Or a time traveller.
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