Monday, September 7, 2009


While we're in Vegas....
When 'Warehouse 13' got "Duped" in Las Vegas, two of "The Numbers" from the 'Lost' sequence came up. Among the winning roulette numbers that came up for Gary and Jillian were Red 23 (twice!) and Black 15. (They also had a room on the 15th floor.)

The casino where they played was too old-fashioned and stodgy to be the Montecito of 'Las Vegas', but wouldn't that have been cool for an official link? No matter, we can always say it was one of the gaming halls that have been seen in 'CSI', 'Lucky', 'Dr. Vegas', or 'Vega$'. It could even be the one from that one-armed bandit episode of 'The Twilight Zone'!


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