The mega-producer was portrayed in Toobworld in three different productions, which is the
requirement necessary for entry into the Hall of Fame.....
1] by Dan Castellaneta (pictured) in the 2004 TV movie "Behind The Camera: The Unauthorized Story of 'Charlie's Angels'"

3] and by Mark Capri in the series 'So noTORIous' from 2006. (In the show - in which Tori Spelling played herself, Spelling would call in to check on Daddy's Poor Little Rich Girl. But they also used the old standby of showing him from the back in a chair, a la Steinbrenner on 'Seinfeld'.)

Writer and director Mark Evanier runs the "News From ME" blog which is higly featured to the left in my list o' links. Here's what he thought about the TV movie which featured Castellaneta:
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