With all the grief being spent over the death of Ianto Jones at the end of "Day Four" in 'Torchwood: Children Of Earth', I've also seen some online sorrow that the pterodactyl (nicknamed Myfanwy, Welsh for "Beloved") may have perished in the blast that destroyed the Hub as well.
I'd say those people should chillax. Myfanwy always had a means of escape - after all, we saw it soaring over the city of Cardiff at the end of the very first 'Torchwood' episode, "Everything Changes".
I'd like to think it did so again before the Hub went kablooey.
As the Trickster once said, "Reality is boring, that's why I change it whenever I can."
I'm just "The Man Who Viewed Too Much", and "Inner Toob" is a blog exploring and celebrating the 'reality' of an alternate universe in which everything that ever happened on TV actually takes place.
Most of my theories about the TV Universe come from thinking inside the box and thus can't be proven. But I've never been one to shy away from a tall tale.....
Remember: "The more you watch, the more you've seen!"
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