At the very end of the mini-series 'Torchwood: Children Of Earth', Captain Jack Harkness sent a signal into space via his repaired wrist-thingie. He did this in order to be picked up by a cold fusion cruiser which was surfing the ion reefs at the edge of the Solar System.
I'm thinking he contacted the Dentrassi who were on board, the in-flight caterers for that cruiser. Or it could have been an alien up on the Lido Deck.... This could mean that he was hitching a ride on another Vogon cruiser, but it's more likely that the Dentrassi hire out their services to other alien races - and therefore we're not limited to just 'The Hitch-Hiker's Guide To The Galaxy' for this theoretical cross-over......
As the Trickster once said, "Reality is boring, that's why I change it whenever I can."
I'm just "The Man Who Viewed Too Much", and "Inner Toob" is a blog exploring and celebrating the 'reality' of an alternate universe in which everything that ever happened on TV actually takes place.
Most of my theories about the TV Universe come from thinking inside the box and thus can't be proven. But I've never been one to shy away from a tall tale.....
Remember: "The more you watch, the more you've seen!"
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