The commenters at Alan Sepinwall's blog "What's Alan Watching?" (see the link to the left, Super Troopers!) are some of the most knowledgeable televisiologists I've ever "hung out" with (no "junk" involved). And Pamela Jaye added this tidbit o' trivia:
"Apparently it's a cross-network cereal, as Cristina has also eaten it, on 'Grey's Anatomy' - twice."
I'm taking her word for it. As a fictional product that enriches the TV Universe, "Nuts & More" can now link 'Chuck' to 'Grey's Anatomy'.
Someday I'm going to get the necessary pics that shows the breakfast cereal which links 'My Favorite Martian' to 'The Courtship Of Eddie's Father'!
Toby O'B
I'm taking her word for it. As a fictional product that enriches the TV Universe, "Nuts & More" can now link 'Chuck' to 'Grey's Anatomy'.
Someday I'm going to get the necessary pics that shows the breakfast cereal which links 'My Favorite Martian' to 'The Courtship Of Eddie's Father'!
Toby O'B
It's one of the many prop brands made by StudioGraphics(http://www.issprops.com/Graphics.aspx), a division of Independent Studio Services. I mentioned it in a comment to a post you made about Playpen Magazine. They make many of the well known prop brands like Morley cigarettes and Heisler beer. They also make lesser known prop brands like Brezza cigarettes and Penzburg beer.
Thanks, Andy! I know I have that site in my fave places since the Playpen post thanks to you. But I must have forgotten about it since then....
It's fun looking through their "products" and recognizing quite a few of them from various shows!
Hi! It's me! I was looking for something I wrote about Chuck and I found your blog
and to back that up, I found this
complete with screen caps
now if i could just find my post in praise of Chuck - the Bakula fans should read it...
Thanks, Pamela Jaye! Now I have the second pic for my collection!
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