If 'The Young Ones' existed in Earth Prime-Time, they broke most of the rules of physics and Zonked their way through the TV Land-scape with their references to other TV shows as TV shows. They were serlinguists who talked to the audience viewing at home in the Trueniverse, and were well aware that they were on TV.

(A good example - in the episode "Sick", the opening credits for 'The Good Life' - 'Good Neighbors' to American viewers - suddenly cropped up and Vyvyan burst his way through them and tore them down before he launched into a tirade against my beloved Felicity Kendal and Richard Briers.)
I watched two episodes of the series on Friday, and when I say I watched them, what I actually mean is that I mostly raced through them to get to the best bits and/or the guest stars. The show doesn't really hold up that well twenty years on: but then again, that's not really a topic for Inner Toob. It's not the quality that's ever of concern but whether or not it can fit into the TV Universe properly...

Most importantly, "Bambi" established a theoretical premise for the entire series - the world of 'The Young Ones' exists (or existed) in another TV dimension. This is not altogether novel; 'Sliders' made the idea of alternate TV dimensions... well, universal, while other shows explored that theme from 'Buffy' to 'The West Wing'. However, the dimension for 'The Young Ones' is unique in that it's microscopic; as Dr.Carlisle marvelled as he looked at their world on a slide, "Human beings the size of amoebas!"

The dimension of 'The Young Ones' mirrors our own... for the most part. The history was similar (as seen in Rick's O-level exam books and the Daily Mirror Big Book o' Facts), so were the customs, and even the same people. However, their timeline was more accelerated and did not match up with ours or that of Earth Prime-Time. Dr. Carlisle was living during the Victorian Age while 'The Young Ones' was definitely a product of Margaret Thatcher's England.

So we can give 'The Young Ones' a pass when it comes to their many Zonks because they were in an alternate dimension where those other TV shows were no more than TV shows. (Another one "seen" was 'Grange Hill'.)
Does that microscopic world still exist? And if so, where is the slide it resides on? By now, they must be in their space age 22nd Century, if their timeline kept advancing at such a rapid rate. And

I just hope Viveca Scott didn't smash that slide when she killed Karl Lessing in the "Lovely But Lethal" episode of 'Columbo'!
Toby OB
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