He wrote a few things for Television, not much, but his talent would have best translated for the anthology series and there never was many of those around.
'The Alfred Hitchcock Hour' - "Off Season"
'Night Gallery' - "The Ring With The Red Velvet Ropes"
'Tales Of The Unexpected' - "The Man At The Top" & "The Vorpal Blade"
And a mini-series: "Nick Verlaine ou Comment voler la Tour Eiffel" (which, brilliant genius that I am, I'm guessing was made in France)
There was a period of time back in the 1980s where I read the EQ magazine every month; couldn't get enough of the stories. And it was the stories by Hoch and those by George Baxt which I liked the most.
BCnU, and May God Bless.....
Toby OB
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