Monday, November 3, 2014


Did any of you find this in your Halloween haul a few days ago?

'The Saint'
"The Persistant Patriots"

This product, only to be found in Toobworld of course, was allegedly the product Mary was going to be promoting in the photo shoot interrupted by Simon Templar.  

"Munch - The Candy Bar They'd Do Anything To Get"

The televersion precursor for "What would you do for a Klondike bar?" perhaps?

I'm going to declare this a Theory of Relateeveety connection to Detective John Munch.  "Munch" was not only the activity connected to the chocolate, but the name of the family who manufactured it - just as is the case with the Hershey bar.

I doubt there's any close genealogical connection between the branches of the family however.  But if John Munch ever did appear in any of the foreign adaptations of the 'Law & Order' shows in the UK or France, or even in Russia, the excuse could have been that he was visiting family over there.

Tenuous, but I'm liking it for the Toobworld Dynamic!


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