Monday, November 17, 2014


As big a fan of 'Columbo' as I am (It holds the #5 spot in my all-time favorites!), I'm not blind to the fact that some of those episodes were clunkers.

One of these was "An Old-Fashioned Murder" with Joyce Van Patten, Celeste Holm, Jeannie Berlin, and Tim O'Connor.  It didn't help that there was a vacuum of interest at its center with the casting of Van Patten and Berlin.  Berlin was either flat or going for some kind of line delivery that was jarring.  Van Patten's a good character actress but she couldn't carry the load here.  Her delivery was off as well.

At any rate, I watched it again this past Sunday on ME-TV (at least until 'Endeavour' came on) and decided to look up some info about it during the dull stretches.  I was able to surf a lot of the net during that time....

And I found this on Ol' Reliable, the IMDb:

The mansion that the Lyttons live in is the same one that Bruce Wayne lived in on the Batman TV series.

I don't see it.

Here's a picture of stately Wayne Manor:

And here's the Lytton Museum/Home:

Unless the Lytton location shot was filmed from the back of the mansion, I can't see it being the same edifice.  Can you?

I was really hoping that it would prove true because it would go some ways toward my claim that Gotham City has to be in California.  Either both mansions were built by the same local architectural firm, or the Lyttons bought the place when Bruce Wayne had to abandon it after his retirement from crime-fighting.

I have a feeling - although I can't recall it coming up during the episode - that Ruth Lytton's parents lived there in their time and that she and her siblings were raised there.  So that would invalidate the second theory.

  • 'Batman'
  • 'Columbo' - "An Old Fashioned Murder"

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