Not that Terry was deterred. As he told his son, "Would that stop the Doctor?"

If it had been left at that, we might have been able to dismiss his comment as being about the general practitioner for that area of Norfolk. But because of later circumstances, we have to accept that he was referring to the Gallifreyan Time Lord who is known only as "The Doctor".
NOT as "Doctor Who" - that's the name of the TV show that was created with the backing of UNIT to cover up the activities of the Doctor in real life. Like the dismissal of UFO sightings as being weather balloons or swamp gas, complaints made about the Doctor could be shrugged off as a vivid imagination combined with the TV show and a few pints. (This project began with several movies starring Peter Cushing as a character actually named "Doctor Who".)
Back when the Doctor still looked like a gangly Mancunian in a jumpsuit, back in his ninth incarnation, he gave Mickey Smith a computer disk containing a program that would wipe out all mention of the Doctor from internet and computer memory storage units all over the world. But it's apparent that Mickey never bothered to put the program into action; or at best it didn't matter in the end, because there was no way to erase him from the memories of those people who already knew of him.

Since Terry was such a fanatic about such alien invasions - he surely would have remembered when the Visitors nearly took over the world in the early 1980's, as well as when the giant Canamids dropped by for lunch - he would have learned about the Doctor long before that computer program had a chance to spread its virus. So Toobworld Central accepts that he was referring to the Doctor.

As with all such revelations in Toobworld, like the eventual one for 'The Munsters' family or for the Melmacian who was code-named 'ALF", there must have been the inevitabe sensation in the media about it (although unseen by the Trueniverse audience). Eventually however, the novelty passed and for the most part that guy from Ork, 'Mork & Mindy', his Terran wife, faded from people's memories, in much the same way as happened with the Eugenics Wars of the late 1990's.
As Terry would come to say during the episode, "In an infinite universe, anything is possible."
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