Friday, November 24, 2006


I suggested last week that it might be fun if all of the paper companies for each of the international remakes of 'The Office' were subsidiaries of the same global corporation.

So far, these companies include:

the Papiers Jennings branch in a Montreal suburb ('La Job')

Cogirep, a small company based in an industrial park near Paris ('Le Bureau')

Dunder-Mifflin, where the Scranton branch recently absorbed the Stamford branch. ('The Office' - USA version)

And the original:

Hogg-Wertham, located in Slough. ('The Office' - UK version)

'Stromburg' doesn't count, even though it's supposed to be the German version, because it takes place in an insurance company.

At any rate, it could be that NBC has already shown us the parent company that encompasses them all.

In Odessa, Texas, the Primatech Paper Company does manufacture and distribute paper products. However, the warehouse also serves as a front for whatever group to which HRG (Horn Rimmed Glasses) belongs. It is the warehouse where HRG brings the nascent heroes and has them read, boosted, and then mind-swiped.

Primatech - even its name suggests world domination in paper products!

One biz to rule them all.
One biz to find them.
One biz to bring them all
And then collate and bind them!


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