Monday, October 3, 2011


As I expected, I'm running behind on my blog posts about 'The Dick Van Dyke Show' on this, the 50th anniversary of the series debut. Our Fearless Leader for this blogathon, Ivan Shreve of the "Thrilling Days Of Yesteryear" blog, may not believe it, but I do indeed sleep. And when I did so from 3 AM to 9:30 AM or so, it cut deeply into the lead time I had for posting my articles about the show's place in the Toobworld Dynamic.

So, in order to get a breather and catch up, take a look at this item being sold on eBay....

That's Ritchie (full name: Richard ROSEBUD Petrie) in the middle there, not Sam Petrie. Sam Petrie was Rob's father, and although Will Wright played Rob's father in one episode, he wasn't even Sam Petrie! He was called "Edward" - not by his wife, but by Rob's mother. (This is where I need Rod Roddy to say "Confused? You won't be once you read the three part post "My Three Dads".)

I suppose it's naive of me to think that a pop culture vendor might have the same love and knowledge of his merchandise as those wishing to buy it......


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