I found two of her guest roles on 'Cheyenne' at Netflix and was able to watch them online: "Star In

In 'Star In The Dust', Ms. Mara played Claire Du Pas, originally from New Orleans where she grew up in the paper shacks in the poorest quarter of the city. At least that's what she told Cheyenne Bodie. To fit the Toobworld scenario, she was in New Orleans when John Clements came to town in search of a bride. She assumed the name of Claire Du Pas in order to sell the vision of a New Orleans beauty, but she may have already been known by the name of Lily Nightingale. Once back in Clements' hometown out West, she refused to marry him, instead turning her attentions to Clements' ne'er-do-well son Jimmy.

When the town's bank was robbed of $55,000, Garth was able to catch up to the robber who was carrying the money. As they slugged it out, the robber fell and cracked his head on a rock. Giving in to temptation, Garth decided to keep the money for himself, figuring it was the only way he could make Claire his woman.

Once Bodie's suspicions were raised as to what happened to the money, Claire told him the truth ... and that she was willing to betray Wes Garth in order for Cheyenne to be the one to run away with her and the money.
Cheyenne confronted the sheriff with his suspicions and offered him the chance to give the money back and it could all be forgotten. But Garth never accepted the truth of this situation and he died trying to draw against Cheyenne.
That's where the episode ended, but we can assume that Claire didn't stay much longer in town. First off, knowing that she was partially connected to Garth's plan, the townsfolk would have shunned her. So she may have moved on to Tombstone where she began her dancing career as Lily Nightingale.
That would lead us first into the 'Bat Masterson' episode "Double Showdown" and then into the trio of 'Maverick' episodes in which Adele Mara appeared. And after that run of shows, we could then go back to 'Cheyenne' for the episode "Border Showdown" which would serve as the other, final, bookend.

Now on the run, Thompson tried to find shelter at Sarita's home where he demanded that she get the hidden money for him. Instead she tried to stab him in the heart with a knife. But he got the better of her and tried to use her as a shield in his attempt to escape the angry mob outside. Instead, Sarita tried to wrest the gun from his grasp and ended up getting shot in the stomach. She fell back into the arms of the villagers and with a plea to the padre, she died.
So what we're O'Bviously claiming is that Sarita was really Lily Nightingale, aka Luisa Ruisenor, Elena Grande, Elena de Galindas, Claire Du Pas, and June Collins/Mundy. And she was probably using the alias of Sarita in order to get close to Carl Thompson and bring him down - on orders from the government. This is why she kept urging him to run away with her; the plan was to entice him back over the border so that waiting government agents could arrest him.

I mentioned in the previous post about her 'Maverick' episodes that we could squeeze in more of Adele Mara's TV Western characters if we build a history for her in which the government put "June Collins" to work as an undercover agent. But it would have to be on a case by case basis dependent on the script's demands. In such a scenario, "Border Showdown" would always have to be the last one......

Mundy had a ranch near the border to Mexico, which could be why Thompson set up his operations just over the border - he could always use his half-brother's property as a relay stop or as a short-cut back to the safety of Mexico.

But then you get a show like 'Primeval', in which somehow Nick Cutter and his estranged wife Helen altered history back in prehistoric times. And Ford Prefect and Arthur Dent got involved in the lives of the cavemen and they altered history as well (as seen in 'The Hitch-Hiker's Guide To The Galaxy'). For one thing, they corrupted the programming of the super-computer known as Earth, rendering it "mostly harmless" and thus not to be destroyed by the Vogon Constructor Fleet under the excuse of a hyperspace bypass.
It may seem strange that such sci-fi fare should be blended with a classic TV Western, but that's the Toobworld concept for you! And in the rebooted timeline, maybe "Sarita" didn't get killed by Carl Thompson and Cheyenne still got his man. So we can keep the 'Cheyenne' episode in the original timeline and some new scenario from another Western guest-starring Adele Mara in the new one.
But until I get a chance to see those shows, this will have to stand as the official arc for those Adele Mara aliases.
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