Thursday, December 8, 2005


In Ken Levine's recently created blog, he had this to say about the recent spate of papal bio-pics:

"Dueling Popes! Two networks have biopics on John Paul II scheduled. Sorry Fox is not one of them. They’d probably want to give the pontiff a hot love interest.

But two networks doing MOW’s on the same person is nothing new. Pope John Paul II joins Amy Fisher and Libarce."

Just a few months ago, Hallmark showed the Italian mini-series about John Paul II which starred a young Polish actor as the Pontiff. And back in the early eighties, Albert Finney took on the role in a MOW as well. So the Pope has taken the lead when it comes to figures from the late 20th Century having their own MOWs on multiple networks.

(Although I think in the long run as far as all historical figures go, the top four will always be Lincoln, Hitler, Jesus, and JFK. Now there's a 'Dinner For Five' lineup for Favreau if ever I saw one; it's like Steve Allen's old show 'Meeting of Minds'.)

But I don't think anybody will ever beat Amy Fisher, who had three movies on three different networks in the space of no more than a month.

One thing I find comforting about Ken Levine's observation - even for a big time TV writer, he still mis-spells "Liberace".

Because otherwise I'm totally jealous of the sense of humor that seems to flow so easily through his keyboard.


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