Wednesday, January 1, 2025


One of the Toobits Awards categories which I pass out every year is for Best New Child Character.  And this year, it goes to Lenny Rush, who played UNIT science advisor Morris Gibbons in several episodes of ‘Doctor Who’ in the first season of the 15th Incarnation’s tenure.  (Apparently, a passing asteroid somehow bathed him in cosmic rays which significantly amplified his intelligence.)

I expect we’ll see him again when the show returns later in 2025.


Maybe he won't be coming back.  Or perhaps the show will not be delving too deeply into his background.  All we have is his word for that asteroid being the "splainin to do" as to why he is now hyper-intelligent.  Of course, he gave that splainin in front of several UNIT witnesses; they could have spoken up and called horse hockey-pucks on that story if he was lying.

But were they eye-witnesses to the transformation?  Was anybody there?

Keeping this Toobworld-centric, what if there is no such person as Morris Gibbons?  What if this small-fry scientist is someone who is descended from a combination of human genetics with those of humanoids from Sahndara and the Time Lords of Gallifrey.

I'm talking about Dr. Miguelito Loveless from 'The Wild, Wild West'.

In his double hands-full of episodes, Loveless always looked like he died at the end (if he didn't escape somehow.)  But because he had Time Lord DNA, he apparently regenerated.  However since he always came back looking the same, that was due to his blend of human and Sahndaran DNA.  (The main contribution of his Sahndaran genetics is that he looked like a refugee from that doomed planet named Alexander.)

As I said, this all depends on what more we learn about Morris.  But I like the idea that he was able to alter his appearance, perhaps with something mundane like plastic surgery.  Or maybe some magical elixir or glamour spell from some other TV series.

As for working on the side of "goodness and niceness", maybe he's just biding his time.  Maybe... he's playing a... Long Game.

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