Tuesday, January 1, 2019


Before I get into the crossover aspect of this fanfic suggestion, let me establish the “monster of the week” aspect for the story……

The Hillbilly Beast dates back to Daniel Boone’s day. The tales describe it as a hairy, smelly Bigfoot like being that howls. This legend was featured on the fourth season of History Channel's Monsters.

The Cherokee Indians have a rich and in depth relationship with nature and they claim to have witnessed the Sasquatch many times, while the creatures sat to dig for roots and eat other greens. The Native Americans have come to understand that the diet of this hairy being, is as wide and varied as our own. In fact, the Indian tribes have profound respect for the Wildman of the Woods and they believe the creature to have supernatural abilities.

One of the most interesting reports of supernatural capacity, comes from a witness (not on the Monster Quest program) who claims to have seen the creature stepping into....... and out of........ a interdimensional gateway or star gate! The witness became so fascinated with what he had observed, that he got a pair of binoculars and continued to surveil the location on aregular basis. The witness steadfastly claims that on numerous occasions the "gateway" was used by the mysterious man-beast. The invisible entry way appears to onlookers, as rolling heatwaves rising up from the ground, when it is viewed from a distance.

Others who have come into close proximity with the Beast, state that it has the ability to communicate telepathically with them.

THE HILLBILLY BEAST @ porterbriggs.com

The pride of the South, the Hillbilly Beast, roams the cypress swamps of Kentucky unchecked.

Tales of the beast can be traced back to long before settlement as we know it arrived. The Cherokee people still share the stories passed down from their ancestors, legends that describe a wizened mythical man-like creature, stalking the woods and imbued with supernatural powers. Later settlers used the mysterious hill critters as scapegoats for disappearing livestock and as threats to intimidate particularly unruly children. Even Daniel Boone, noted fearless explorer and hyperbolic historian, was said to have recounted a run-in with a hair-covered bipedal giant that chased him through the hills of Kentucky.

Having established the Hillbilly Beast as the boogieman to face the Doctor, here’s the TV episode which I would cross over with ‘Doctor Who’:


From the IMDb:
In a semi-comic episode, Prater Beasley is called back to Boonesborough to get rid of a ground squirrel problem. Unfortunately, his methods get him into trouble, as he gets accused of fraud and even witchcraft.

The Widow Jones was not officially a widow – her husband had disappeared seven years before and in a month she would be able to have him declared legally dead by the magistrate of Boonesborough: Cincinnatus.  But one day before the verdict was to be announced, Jones showed up alive.  He claimed that he spent the last seven years as a captive of the Indians, but his wife didn’t believe him.

And she was right – he spent those seven years in the company of the Gallifreyan Time Lord known as the Doctor.

The seven years in which Mrs. Jones was alone were from her perspective.  For Mr. Jones, he had only been in the company of the Doctor for a few days.

Here’s my suggestion as to how this all played out:

The Doctor and his/her current Companion* were ostensibly planning to go back to 458 BC to satisfy the Doctor’s curiosity as to the real reason why Lucius Quintius Cincinnatus walked away from his dictatorship of Rome when he had complete power.  (The Doctor didn’t trust the farmer turned statesman because of his opposition to a code of law which could have protected the commoners.)

From Wikipedia:
Lucius Quinctius or Quintius Cincinnatus (c. 519 – c. 430 BC) was a Roman patrician, statesman, and military leader of the early Republic who became a legendary figure of Roman virtues—particularly Roman manliness and civic virtue—by the time of the Empire.

Despite his old age, he worked his own small farm until an invasion prompted his fellow citizens to call for his leadership. He came from his plough to assume complete control over the state but, upon achieving a swift victory, relinquished his power and its perquisites and returned to his farm. His success and immediate resignation of his near-absolute authority with the end of this crisis (traditionally dated to 458 BC) has often been cited as an example of outstanding leadership, service to the greater good, civic virtue, lack of personal ambition, and modesty.
But the TARDIS had other plans for “her lover”.  Instead of bringing them to the original Cincinnatus,  she brought them to where Daniel Boone’s friend Cincinnatus was the local merchant.  She landed back in 1767 just outside of Boonesborough, Kaintucky, where the colonists and the Indians were being terrorized by some kind of monster in the cypress swamps of the territory. 

Jones had been out hunting ground squirrels when he was set upon by Indians.  (His prowess as a squirrel hunter had been the main reason the ground squirrels had been kept in check with regards to the orchards planted by the settlers.  And the various ground squirrel recipes concocted by Jones and his wife were relished by those who were fortunate enough to sample their dishes at festive gatherings and the like,)

Jones made a run for it, hoping to reach the safety of the fort before the Indians could capture him, but he lost his way and found himself deeper into the wild, in unfamiliar territory.  And that’s when the TARDIS materialized.  The Indians pulled back, watching what happened, perhaps thinking the TARDIS had come from the gods.
And that’s when the Doctor and the Companion step out, leading the spying Indians into the belief that they were no more than “palefaces” intruding on their territory.  While asking Jones for specifics as to where they landed, the Doctor and Companion and Jones were ambushed by the Indians.  But just as suddenly, the Indians are attacked by the beast.

Jones rushed past the Doctor and enters the TARDIS for protection, and the Time Lord and the Companion get back inside as well.  Jones urges the Doctor to use any weapons he has to attack the Indians as well as the monster, but we all know the TARDIS isn’t equipped with weapons.  The Doctor instead presses Jones for information about the so-called Hillbilly Beast.

If I was writing this fanfic, I’d have the TARDIS track down the community of these sasquatch and find that they are just as terrified of the beast who attacked.  It could turn out to be that they are stranded explorers from another world (and very Chewbacca-like.  Let the audience wonder if there could be a connection between them.)  The Doctor would figure out what the problem was with the dangerous beast and once the crisis was solved, the Doctor would offer to bring the castaway “sasquatch” back to their homeworld.  And Jones would be offered a trip to another world as well.  Not wishing to get back too quickly to his harridan of a wife, Jones would probably accept.

However, when they traveled back to Earth once the last sasquatch had disembarked, seven years had passed although it didn’t feel that way to Jones for whom only a few days had elapsed.

Wondering how he was going to explain all of this to his wife, the Doctor just shrugs it off and tells him just to claim that he had been held captive by the Indians all those years.  Surely she would believe that.  (But as we know from that episode, she didn’t.) 

But before Jones could depart the TARDIS, the Doctor offered to replace his wardrobe, which had been ravaged by both the Indians and the Hillbilly Beast.  And so he was given one of the Doctor's old outfits - a black coat, a blue vest, and a dress shirt and pants.

This is what got me thinking about connecting this episode of 'Daniel Boone' to 'Doctor Who'.  Jones' clothes in the trial scene near the end of the episode were far better than those worn by his neighbors - not even Cincinnatus in his function as the magistrate was dressed as well. Those clothes from the Doctor were not the type of clothing which could have survived seven years in the wild living as a prisoner of the Indians.  The only one at the trial in 1774 who was better dressed than Jones was the patriot Patrick Henry.

*If you do choose to write up this fanfic story, the choice of which Doctor and which Companion(s) who would be involved should be left entirely up to you.


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